We currently use cobbler 2.7 with "manage_dhcp=1" on Redhat to install clients with a static IP address i.e.

 #  cobbler system add --name=scratch2 --profile=rhel6  --mac=00:50:56:b2:53:36  --ip-address= --netmask= \
        --gateway= --static=1 --dns-name=scratch2.example.com --hostname=scratch2 --interface=eth0

The target system boots and the installation proceeds automatically with no use intervention required. Good.

Is is possible to configure cobbler so that it also adds the system "scratch2" to /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default file? This would allow me to configure a dhcpd server in a remote subnet that just assigns a dhcp address and sets "next-server cobbler-central-ip" . On boot, the client console would then present a pxe menu from the "default" file that includes all the cobbler dhcp profiles, but also a new menu item for each static-ip system. I'd then scroll through the pxe menu and select "scratch2", and it would then be assigned the desired static IP address and hostname.

I suspect I'm missing something in the docs, since this seems a common use case.

