I'm not going to be much help on this, but one thought I would have is that you're not checking the return of the result call, which could be trying to tell you something about an error.  I do recall when trying to do a python interface to do similar, it was usually that I was missing one of the required host fields.

You should also take a look at the test cases for the webui as it also uses the xmlrpc interface for it's work.


On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Jason Barlow <jbarlow@central1.com> wrote:

I’m trying to create a new system profile using perl through the XMLRPC API.


Things work great using python, but when I try to use either of the above perl interfaces, I’m not able to actually write any of the new objects I’ve created:


Reading items works a charm, and it looks like the calls themselves are succeeding, but the host never shows up in a:

#[root@spacewalk cobbler]# cobbler system list | grep test



I’m wondering what’s going wrong here; am I not authenticating properly?


I’ve tried using both XML::RPC and XMLRPC::Lite, and get similar results, where reads work fine, but nothing actually ‘sticks’


Here’s the script that I’m using for XMLRPC::Lite




use strict;

use warnings;

use XMLRPC::Lite;

use Data::Dumper;


my $username = 'api-user';

my $password = 'sapi-user';

my $proto = 'http://';

my $servername = 'spacewak';

my $api = '/cobbler_api';

my $url = $proto . $servername . $api;

my $name = 'vacsld01test';



my $conn = XMLRPC::Lite->proxy('https://vacslp01spacewalk.cucbc.com/cobbler_api');

my $token = $conn->login($username, $password)->result();

my $object = $conn->new_system($token)->result();


$conn->modify_system($object, 'name', $name, $token)->result();

$conn->modify_system($object, 'hostname', $name, $token)->result();

$conn->save_system($object, $token)->result();




/var/log/cobbler/cobbler.log has:


Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - INFO | authenticate; ['api-user', True]

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - INFO | REMOTE new_item(system); user(api-user)

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - DEBUG | authorize; ['api-user', 'new_system', None, None, True]

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - DEBUG | REMOTE api-user authorization result: True; user(?)

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - INFO | REMOTE modify_item(system); user(api-user); object_id(___NEW___system::o0X5NLQrLsh9rXGhtvbuts56aTY6zb4JfQ==); attribute(name)

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - DEBUG | authorize; ['api-user', 'modify_system', <cobbler.item_system.System instance at 0x14350560>, 'name', True]

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - DEBUG | REMOTE api-user authorization result: True; user(?)

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - INFO | REMOTE modify_item(system); user(api-user); object_id(___NEW___system::o0X5NLQrLsh9rXGhtvbuts56aTY6zb4JfQ==); attribute(hostname)

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - DEBUG | authorize; ['api-user', 'modify_system', <cobbler.item_system.System instance at 0x14350560>, 'hostname', True]

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - DEBUG | REMOTE api-user authorization result: True; user(?)

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - INFO | REMOTE save_item(system); user(api-user); object_id(___NEW___system::o0X5NLQrLsh9rXGhtvbuts56aTY6zb4JfQ==)

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - DEBUG | authorize; ['api-user', 'save_system', <cobbler.item_system.System instance at 0x14350560>, None, True]

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - DEBUG | REMOTE api-user authorization result: True; user(?)

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - INFO | add_item(system); ['vacsld01test']

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - DEBUG | get_items; ['system']

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - INFO | REMOTE sync; user(api-user)

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - DEBUG | authorize; ['api-user', 'sync', None, None, True]

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - DEBUG | REMOTE api-user authorization result: True; user(?)

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - INFO | sync

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - INFO | running pre-sync triggers

Thu Nov  8 16:03:46 2012 - INFO | cleaning trees


I’m using:


cobbler2-2.0.11-4.el5 ( CentOS 5.8)

perl v5.10.1

XMLRPC::Lite 0.715

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