
Sorry for the late response, I would love to write an article on my setup, unfortunately, I am bound by company restrictions.

That being said, it isn't a customer facing setup so the process does have some security issues that I need to eventually work out.
(although being on an isolated network, I am not too worried) 

I would also love to commit to the project, although at the moment my python skills are non-existant so everything that my setup is running on is either BASH, AWK, SED, or Ruby scripts.  

It may be possible to order your servers with SeaBios(also known as coreboot or openbios), which is open source legacy BIOS implementation and therefore you should be able to write code against it... I haven't taken a look into it much myself yet. (although I have heard that there are still a good many issues with some of the more advanced features) 

My reasoning for wanting to see the ability to configure the BIOS is that once you have the Server set to PXE boot (preferably factory set) I would rather not have to jump into the BIOS of each individual server to change a single setting here and or there based on some SLA that is in place.  Although I realize that this is more of a far off dream at the moment for cobbler, I know that using proprietary tools that this likely currently being done by industry giants such as Google and Amazon. 

In anycase, I will keep my eye open, and if I have the chance to contribute something, even if its a simple bash script (albeit slightly edited as my current scripts have a couple of issues related to security as mentioned earlier) I will do so.

Scott Mattan 

On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 12:42 AM, Nishanth Aravamudan <> wrote:
On 06.08.2015 [14:32:47 +0900], Scott Mattan wrote:
> Jennifer,
>     You are specifying that on a system already registered in cobbler
> that you want to be able to switch the BIOS setting for boot source?
> As Alvin mentioned, at the moment this is not possible, as an
> alternative you could script it yourself... I am however, curious to
> understand the reason for your needing this functionality provided
> that you can tell me.

I assumed, based upon the context in the first e-mail, that Jennifer's
SuperMicro systems (note also mentioned working around the SuperMicro
tool) are somehow "broken" at the BIOS level and don't maintain this

>     The reason why I am curious is mainly due to the fact that once
> your server is set to boot from PXE you shouldn't need to have it
> changed.  Unless you are pre-defining your servers in cobbler and then
> using it to deploy each one?

I agree with you -- it's unclear why that's a necessary step.

>     My set up uses the default system settings to install a base
> operating system, automatically register the system to cobbler,
> determine the system type (virtual or physical) , reinstall the
> correct OS/Profile, and then configure it automatically.  This allows
> me to get my servers from the factory preset to PXE, press the power
> button and go.

It would be great to see an article about your setup (presuming your
allowed by your employer to publish it) or maybe contrib some of your
tooling around cobbler!

>     I would like to see various functionality like this integrated
> into the cobbler framework however... of particular interest is
> turning on and off CPU components i.e. hyperthreading or
> virtualization at the BIOS level.

I'd be pretty impressed if BIOS level settings are so
standardized/exposed that it could really be integrated -- and would
actually work -- in Cobbler!

I'm not sure how much makes sense to integrate into cobbler proper
(given that cobbler's sole goal should be installation of clients, not
the configuration of the clients in some sense) but maybe in snippets
(if the BIOS is exposed to the client from within the client).
