Using EPEL as my source, trying to update this morning :

It wants to update:
cobbler.noarch                   2.4.4-1.el5            epel                       
cobbler-web.noarch           2.4.4-1.el5            epel                       
koan.noarch                       2.4.4-1.el5            epel                       

And then it says:
Error: Missing Dependency: virt-install is needed by package koan-2.4.4-1.el5.noarch (epel)

A search reveals that there is no such animal anywhere in EPEL or in anything that looks like ot is compatible with RHEL 5

Can I do without koan ?  I use Cobbler for bare metal installs.  Nothing virtual.
“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”  (Bill Waterson: Calvin & Hobbes)