On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com> wrote:
Rodrique Heron wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:25 AM, Rodrique Heron <swygue@rodhouse.org
> <mailto:swygue@rodhouse.org>> wrote:
>     On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 2:53 AM, Jasper Capel <capel@stone-it.com
>     <mailto:capel@stone-it.com>> wrote:
>         On 04/17/2009 01:03 AM, Rodrique Heron wrote:
>         > I imported the RHEL 5.3 DVD, by issuing:
>         >
>         > cobbler import --name="rhel-srv-5.3-64bit" --mirror=/mnt
>         > --rsync-flags="--quiet" --arch=x86_6
>         >
>         Your saying x86_6 here, did you actually type that or is it a
>         copy/paste
>         error?
>     It is a copy/paste error.
> I am wondering if this could be a network related issue. I have set in
> kernel options "ksdevice=bootif", does anyone know if the interface
> found is kept after "Anaconda Probe" completes and the installation
> begins?
> I don't believe this is the issue, because I was able to install
> CentOS on the same server.

That seems likely, but I don't think it is ksdevice related or we'd be
hearing about it a lot more.

That interface found should be the one used for all requests.    

This is what I thought, then its more likely its a RHEL 5.3 issue, because I can install Centos 5.2 without issue, using the same ksdevice option.

Any one can report succuess with RHEL 5.3 ?

sure your /etc/cobble/pxe/ templates have "IPAPPEND 2" in them.  The new
ones do.  (make sure no .rpmnew files are lying around)

You could perhaps have some sort of proxy/cache in the way too?


I have no .rpmnew files lying around, and  its 1.6.2, which have the ipappend value. When you say proxy/cache, are you thinking something between cobbler and they server being built? If so, I have no proxy on my network.