Hi Michael, thanks for your reply.

I realize that my original mail has been a bit garbagged, so you didn't understand my question.
The question was : what is the syntax to set up a dictionary value through XMLRPC ?

For scalar value, it is (as described in the wiki):
remote.modify_distro(distro_id, 'name', 'example-distro',token)
For a list, the following syntax works:
remote.modify_distro(distro_id, 'users', ['admin'],token)
But for a dictionary, I tried many syntaxes, none works.

Thanks for your reply.


Others remarks are in the text below:

2008/10/7 Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com>
The error below is not a direct error from the above per se, but an
error in the code that produces the actual exception text -- it's an
error while telling you what the error is :).   This is fixed on the
latest  development branch and I also applied this change just now to

You can also fix this by adding the following line to remote.py

"from utils import _"

I tried it, but it does not work (maybe a too old version ? Mine is 1.2.4

Once you do that and restart cobblerd, you'll get the actual error which
will help you more.   Both forms of input are accepted and correct.

(As a sidenote, Generally you want to avoid uppercase in Python -- it
implies a constant value, while COBSERVER is really a xmlrpc server
proxy object and TOKEN is a string variable).

In my context, they are constant values as I define them at the global scope of my module.

This will be included in the 1.2.6 stable update, which will probably
come out Friday.

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