I'm writing a cockpit package based on the kubernetes modules and i
got an error while trying to create replication controllers and
services from files:
kube-controller-manager[3793]: I0131 20:56:41.083074 3793
event.go:217] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"ReplicationController",
Namespace:"default", Name:"webserver-controller", UID:"52463259-064a-
11e8-b244-086d41bdeb72", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"1741601",
FieldPath:""}): type: 'Warning' reason: 'FailedCreate' Error creating:
No API token found for service account "default", retry after the token
is automatically created and added to the service account
i'm trying to create the service and replication controller with the
following code:
service.json.service = data.data;
console.log("Creating RC from JSON: "
+ JSON.stringify(data.data));
request = new CockpitKubeRequest("POST", link,
JSON.stringify(data.data), "");
request.then(function(response) {
console.log("Create RC RESPONSE: " + response);
I've checked the kubernetes package and is not clear to me how to
create or get the token.
Can somebody give me a hand?