I am working on "Applications" Cockpit: a way to install additional
software on your server, such as FreeIPA.
If you are on Fedora 26, you can try this out, and I am very much
interested in feedback of any kind.
To get started, clone this repository
into ~/.local/share/cockpit:
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/cockpit
$ cd ~/.local/share/cockpit
$ git clone https://github.com/mvollmer/cockpit-apps-bin.git
Then re-login to Cockpit. You should now see a new "Applications"
entry in the shell navigation menu.
You can use a COPR with some demo packages to get something to play
https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/mvo/cockpit-app- freeipa/
# dnf copr enable mvo/cockpit-app-freeipa
# dnf install appstream-data-mvo
Two applications should spontanously appear in Cockpit, ready to be
What do you think? Does it work? Is it confusing?
cockpit-devel mailing list -- cockpit-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org
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