Hi all,
Here are the minutes for today's meeting.
The next meeting is at 2014-10-20, at 15:00 UTC. To see the time in your local timezone, execute the following in a shell: date -d "october 20, 2014 15:00 UTC"
=========================================== #cockpit: Cockpit public meeting 2014-10-13 ===========================================
Meeting started by puiterwijk at 15:00:32 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/cockpit/2014-10-13/cockpit.2014-10-13-15.00... .
Meeting summary - --------------- * Welcome (puiterwijk, 15:00:35)
* F21, last words (puiterwijk, 15:03:08) * cockpit-0.27-1.fc21 is the Cockpit release for F21 beta (puiterwijk, 15:04:03) * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1145646 (mvollmer, 15:05:33) * Just one blocker bug in NM: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1145646 (puiterwijk, 15:06:01) * LINK: http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/21_Beta_TC3/ (sgallagh, 15:08:03) * everyone please test TC3 with cockpit updated to 0.27 (sgallagh, 15:08:59)
* Packages (puiterwijk, 15:14:00) * Stef is working on enabling embedding cockpit components into web pages (puiterwijk, 15:23:28) * If not logged in when accessing embedded component, mini-login form is shown (puiterwijk, 15:24:34) * Packages patch series needs a reinstall of cockpit (puiterwijk, 15:26:43) * Suggested to rm -r /usr/share/cockpit and make install and restorecon -Rv /usr/share/cockpit (puiterwijk, 15:27:10) * In case of modules linked to #/.local/share/cockpit, that link needs to be unlinked and recreated (puiterwijk, 15:27:36) * More info to come to cockpit-devel after more is merged (puiterwijk, 15:29:06) * LINK: http://files.cockpit-project.org/guide/ (stefw, 15:32:35) * Documentation for all of this becomes available as it progresses at http://files.cockpit-project.org/guide/ (puiterwijk, 15:32:42) * LINK: http://files.cockpit-project.org/guide/api-cockpit.html (stefw, 15:35:29) * LINK: https://github.com/amdjs/amdjs-api/wiki/AMD (stefw, 15:36:13) * ACTION: stefw Seperate online docs for stable and devel (puiterwijk, 15:40:44) * we'll use "component" for parts of cockpit that can be loaded into a iframe. (mvollmer, 15:41:00) * a component is made up of one or more packages (mvollmer, 15:41:24) * often a package contains one or more components (mvollmer, 15:42:24)
* Navigation (puiterwijk, 15:45:57) * LINK: https://server.example.com:9090/#/path/to/page?option=a,option2=b (stefw, 15:48:09)
* Roadmap update (puiterwijk, 15:53:26) * F21 item can be removed from roadmap (puiterwijk, 15:54:48)
* Open Floor (puiterwijk, 16:02:55) * ACTION: puiterwijk Send vm-create docs to mvollmer (puiterwijk, 16:04:20)
Meeting ended at 16:05:21 UTC.
Action Items - ------------ * stefw Seperate online docs for stable and devel * puiterwijk Send vm-create docs to mvollmer
Action Items, by person - ----------------------- * mvollmer * puiterwijk Send vm-create docs to mvollmer * puiterwijk * puiterwijk Send vm-create docs to mvollmer * stefw * stefw Seperate online docs for stable and devel * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) - --------------------------- * stefw (109) * mvollmer (107) * puiterwijk (42) * andreasn (30) * sgallagh (16) * jscotka (13) * zodbot (10) * danofsatx (4) * github (2)
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- -- With kind regards, Patrick Uiterwijk