Below is the meeting minutes from the last meeting on Monday in #cockpit on - Andreas
=========================================== #cockpit: Cockpit public meeting 2014-10-06 ===========================================
Meeting started by andreasn at 15:00:38 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * Welcome (andreasn, 15:00:59)
* Agenda (andreasn, 15:01:55) * agenda is Fedora 21, GSSAPI, Modular arch, Roadmap (andreasn, 15:03:06)
* Fedora 21 (andreasn, 15:03:17) * no modularization work for f21 (andreasn, 15:18:43) * first priority is to merge the pull requests we have at (andreasn, 15:19:16) * Cockpit release for Fedora 21 will be cut at the end of this week. (mvollmer, 15:19:40)
* GSSAPI (andreasn, 15:20:01) * ACTION: everyone help stef with pull request review (mvollmer, 15:20:05) * You can't log in as wheel with Kerberos, and you can't use really use Cockpit as non-hweel. (andreasn, 15:24:00) * even though not everything works, it's a good motivator for others to fix underlying platform bugs (andreasn, 15:24:53) * finish #1226 for Fedora 21. (mvollmer, 15:25:05) * ACTION: mvollmer and stefw to finish #1226 for Fedora 21 (andreasn, 15:26:31)
* Modular architecture (andreasn, 15:27:40) * won't merge this week, since we're focusing on F21 (andreasn, 15:29:37) * really important path forward though (andreasn, 15:29:53) * next week will be focus on modular arch (andreasn, 15:30:26)
* Roadmap (andreasn, 15:31:18) * first roadmap now up at (andreasn, 15:31:50) * mount points fix in good shape to be merged soon. Can be removed from roadmap (andreasn, 15:34:35) * SSO enablers and Modular architecture can be moved from the section 4 months to 4 weeks (andreasn, 15:35:04) * move navigation and embedability to 4 weeks (andreasn, 15:38:42) * ACTION: andreas to sort issues from on to the roadmap page (andreasn, 15:44:01)
* QA (sgallagh, 15:51:28) * jscotka will intergrate the current cockpit test suite to the interal RH testing infrastructure as a first step (andreasn, 15:55:10) * end goal would be for the test suite to run for each pull request (andreasn, 16:00:10) * ACTION: jscotka to contact puiterwijk, who's been working on this in the past (andreasn, 16:02:00)
Meeting ended at 16:11:27 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * everyone help stef with pull request review * mvollmer and stefw to finish #1226 for Fedora 21 * andreas to sort issues from on to the roadmap page * jscotka to contact puiterwijk, who's been working on this in the past
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * jscotka * jscotka to contact puiterwijk, who's been working on this in the past * mvollmer * mvollmer and stefw to finish #1226 for Fedora 21 * stefw * mvollmer and stefw to finish #1226 for Fedora 21 * **UNASSIGNED** * everyone help stef with pull request review * andreas to sort issues from on to the roadmap page
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * mvollmer (105) * andreasn (84) * stefw (71) * jscotka (31) * sgallagh (11) * zodbot (9)
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