---------- Původní zpráva ----------
Od: Andreas Nilsson <lists@andreasn.se>
Komu: cockpit-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org
Datum: 27. 2. 2017 14:05:37
Předmět: Re: Supporting ABRT in Cockpit
On 2017-02-23 10:58, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
> On 2017-02-23 10:58, Matej Marusak wrote:
>> Oh, as I read the Paul's story now again, I see that. When I was
>> writing the story I had in my mind that they were copying files
>> remotely (to server or between each-other) but it is not in the
>> story. But I like your idea about crashing ftpd more than mine about
>> file-manager. It makes more sense.
>> Considering John's story, I don't see such big difference between
>> ours and yours story, but if you believe it suits cockpit's purpose
>> better, I don't mind changing that.
>> Will you update the stories or should I take a look on it?
> I can do it.
> - Andreas
Tweaked the stories and uploaded two initial design proposals that
should work for those stories.
* Variant one is embedded into the Logs page.
This threats crashes as one level above Errors.
I was not sure if there needs to be a bugzilla login-thing or not, or if
it works to just open bugzilla in a separate tab.
* Variant one is on it's own page.
This is if it doesn't fit to mix crashes into the logs. Right now Logs
is a 1-to-1 match with the journalctl command.
Let me know what you think, and if there is something wrong or missing
from the designs.
- Andreas
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