Cockpit is once again in heavy development, we're moving things around a lot so that we can have a more modular architecture.
Obviously you can try to build Cockpit from git, but for Fedora 21 users Stephen Gallagher has set up a custom software repository so you can try out the latest cutting edge Cockpit. Run these commands once:
$ sudo dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core $ sudo dnf copr enable sgallagh/cockpit-preview
And now you can install and upgrade the latest version of Cockpit, either via the command line, for example:
$ sudo dnf install cockpit
Or you can also use the 'Software' tool in GNOME to install cockpit ... but you still need to run the above 'copr' command once from a terminal.
If (like I did) you don't have dnf-plugins-core installed, you need to install like this before running the above command: