---------- Původní zpráva ----------
Od: Andreas Nilsson <lists@andreasn.se>
Komu: cockpit-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org
Datum: 13. 2. 2017 13:20:06
Předmět: Re: Supporting ABRT in Cockpit
Hi, and sorry for the delayed reply.
It's been a bit of traveling between conferences, and then I only
remembered I hadn't replied to this mail until yesterday.
The stories looks really good! Thanks for the good work there.
One thing I'm wondering about is automatic crash reporting. It's the
only thing I ever use myself on my laptop, and I know it's good useful
information for my OS provider (Fedora). I would never do the manual job
of reporting the crashers by hand (unless they are very critical).
At the same time I see how it could be a privacy concern to a specific
group of people (say in the situation where you are actually developing
a piece of software that is secret and maybe it's a competing product to
your competitor) where it would be good you would turn any automatic
reporting off.
Is automatic reporting planned for this initial version, or is that for
a later version?
- Andreas
On 2017-02-01 10:58, Matej Marusak wrote:
> Hi Cockpit people,
> A while ago the ABRT team presented [1] Cockpit module showing problems detected by ABRT and allowing users to report them. It was more less a proof of concept. But we are eager to finish this effort.
> After speaking with some members of the Cockpit team on DevConf we were advised to start by writing user stories. We did so and today I presented them on the wikipage of cockpit's github [2].
> We would love to have a feedback from you. What do you think of this? Is it suitable for Cockpit?
> We are open-minded to yours ideas.
> Best regards,
> Matej
> 1: https://lists.fedorahosted.org/archives/list/cockpit-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org/message/D6KLKDFMTRLSJSVBFY7ICTSPMHCOQO65/
> 2: https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/wiki/Feature:-ABRT
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