
Thank you very much for the answer! I was not using starter-pack, I've just started with creating direct on the server the manifest, html, css and js files. I'm not using npm at all. Is is required for Cockpit functionality?
Of course I'll give starter-pack a try at once.


śr., 9 sty 2019 o 21:55 Daniel. <danielhilst@gmail.com> napisał(a):
You are looking for `await`, if you use starter kit you have it already configured. With it you can "wait" for a promisse to complete, 

Take a look here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/async_function

Em qua, 9 de jan de 2019 às 18:52, . <magicznykrag@gmail.com> escreveu:
First of all: thank you very much for maintaining this great project!

I'm C programmer learning now Cockpit. My problem is as follows: for some of the operation I must use external helper and I must wait for it output. The cockpit.spawn() function returns the promise, which is non-blocking operation (as expected). How can I make it work as blocking one? Which mean: the rest of the code in the function should be done after receiving full output of the cockpit.spawn (done() or fail())

best regards,

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