Hello again,
Martin Pitt [2018-08-01 8:01 +0200]:
Therefore I propose to do what many other Freenode channels have done years ago and restrict #cockpit to registered Freenode users. In technical terms, set channel mode +M [1].
+r actually for Freenode, sorry [1].
As the spamming still keeps going on, I now made these modifications:
- #cockpit is now restricted to registered users (+r) - #cockpit now does not appear in the global channel list any more (-s) - trying to join #cockpit as an unregistered user redirects to the new ##cockpit-unregistered, whose topic says:
You need to be a registered Freenode user to join #cockpit. Please register by following the instructions at http://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration
[1] https://freenode.net/kb/answer/channelmodes
Please speak up if this causes trouble for anyone.