Hi all,
Here the meeting minutes for today's meeting.
The next meeting is at 2014-09-15, at 15:00 UTC. To see the time in your local timezone, execute the following in a shell: date -d "september 15, 2014 15:00 UTC"
For the full meeting minutes, please look at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/cockpit/2014-09-08/cockpit.2014-09-08-15.00...
The summary follows:
Welcome (puiterwijk, 15:00:52) Test day test cases (puiterwijk, 15:01:54) People install F21 alpha on real hardware and are taking those risks, so we can also ask them to run Cockpit on real hardware. (mvollmer, 15:08:45) we make a specific F21 image with the version of Cockpit we want to test (mvollmer, 15:10:32) We prepare around ten test cases, and then ask people to go and explore. (mvollmer, 15:11:58) two each of Basic (login, logout), Storage, Network, Docker. (mvollmer, 15:13:31) Started by default should be tested in F21 Server (sgallagh, 15:14:08) http://testdays.qa.fedoraproject.org/testdays/all_events (sgallagh, 15:18:11) ACTION: mvollmer write tenish test cases as outlined above (mvollmer, 15:20:57) ACTION: puiterwijk Get us listed in the testdays.qa.fedoraproject.org/testdays app (puiterwijk, 15:21:18) https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Test_Days/Live_Image (puiterwijk, 15:25:26) ACTION: sgallagh to spin a F21 Server install disc for the test day on September 16th (puiterwijk, 15:28:28)
Fedora 21 Status (puiterwijk, 15:32:37) Fedora 21 Alpha is no-go for now -> One week slip (puiterwijk, 15:32:45) Current scheduled Alpha release: September 16th (puiterwijk, 15:32:47) ACTION: mvollmer file blocker bugs in Cockpit on Fedora bugzilla. (non-root / wheel situation, others) (mvollmer, 15:46:42) ACTION: stefw to send email to the list regardining non-root/wheel situation (puiterwijk, 15:53:16) ACTION: puiterwijk to put non-root/wheel on the agenda next week (puiterwijk, 15:53:25) ACTION: mvollmer finally figure out what a hostname is and fix our dialog accordingly (mvollmer, 15:54:01)
Atomic feature review (puiterwijk, 15:55:26) review from stefw and julim on Atomic feature pages came in, andreasn going through (puiterwijk, 15:56:33) ACTION: mvollmer puiterwijk to read through atomic feature pages and tell andreasn if it's sane (puiterwijk, 15:57:11)
Open Floor (puiterwijk, 15:57:58) people interested in attending conference on new navigation should contact andreasn (puiterwijk, 15:59:54) http://files.cockpit-project.org/testdata/images/cockpit-fedora-20-x86_64-ro... (stefw, 16:04:03) ACTION: puiterwijk to look at slowness of files.cockpit-project.org network paths at times (puiterwijk, 16:08:18)
- -- With kind regards, Patrick Uiterwijk Associate Software Engineer, Red Hat