Hi! Here are the minutes from yesterdays meeting. Next meeting will be next Monday at 15:00 UTC as usual. - Andreas
=========================================== #cockpit: Cockpit public meeting 2014-10-20 ===========================================
Meeting started by andreasn___ at 15:02:53 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/cockpit/2014-10-20/cockpit.2014-10-20-15.02... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Welcome (andreasn, 15:03:33)
* agenda (andreasn, 15:04:35)
* general status (andreasn, 15:05:18) * new navigation layout, issue #1369 is almost there, some polish and testing remaining before merge (andreasn, 15:06:34) * navigation branch needs code review from stefw (andreasn, 15:12:25) * ACTION: stefw to review (andreasn, 15:12:36)
* url schema (andreasn, 15:14:03) * we need to rework the ui url scheme again (andreasn, 15:14:47) * for easier readability and to fit better with the reworked navigation (andreasn, 15:15:32) * needs further discussion (andreasn, 15:17:58) * needs rethinking how we handle pages in javascript as well, so it all works well together (andreasn, 15:20:00)
* freeipa terminal (andreasn, 15:22:56) * stef have been talking to freeipa about using our terminal via embedding (andreasn, 15:24:03) * cockpit's code is ready with the 0.28 release (andreasn, 15:24:24)
* roadmap (andreasn, 15:25:51) * https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/wiki/Roadmap (andreasn, 15:26:08) * ACTION: andreasn to add navigation subitems to the roadmap (andreasn, 15:28:40) * ACTION: andreasn to add patternfly update to the 4 week section (andreasn, 15:31:22) * ACTION: andreasn to start with mockups for the atomic/docker features (andreasn, 15:34:56)
* open floor (andreasn, 15:35:43)
Meeting ended at 15:50:23 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * stefw to review * andreasn to add navigation subitems to the roadmap * andreasn to add patternfly update to the 4 week section * andreasn to start with mockups for the atomic/docker features
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * andreasn * andreasn to add navigation subitems to the roadmap * andreasn to add patternfly update to the 4 week section * andreasn to start with mockups for the atomic/docker features * stefw * stefw to review * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * andreasn (83) * mvollmer (57) * jscotka (17) * zodbot (7) * andreasn___ (4) * puiterwijk (0) * sgallagh (0) * stefw (0)
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