Hey yall. I got an email from Neftali, who wants to participate in Cockpit \o/
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Neftalí Yagua despacho@neftaliyagua.com Date: Mon, Dec 4, 2023 at 5:42 PM Subject: I would like to participate in the cockpit development groups To: stefw@redhat.com
Hello, I would like to participate in the cockpit development groups, first of all collaborating with the Spanish translations, I would also like to create some plugins that I have in mind.
https://accounts.fedoraproject.org/user/neftaliyagua/ http://links.neftaliyagua.com/ls/click?upn=lAjBpxZAYTGU0gh6HQsXzpY-2B8WckJvnE9Xi05lvI1BvutEwWtKWU47Pt3GReAgw3WjsWxtHbWGjczJaARCPXEw-3D-3DBBJB_Dls-2Fo0wQjGP8QB5jECZWf5NeOodTtst5-2FPX1S6KAfPhQpgkV3Cax3bt4jryIUdDe4kaTvMpmsX3ZQq5FFd4l1M6BhkHKx1sBW4hmZ-2BT8BU3kQB4onxxQUDgUcoEKX-2Fi-2FCEIgvCVmtFqZ3iNoVuDUMd0zQt53VoPH9QtjZds0IPHDnUUcSjRTAYSzFZBAqjxdAeCow38gwlQbXnGBIzi9QA-3D-3D
Hello Neftali,
Stef Walter [2023-12-11 10:01 +0100]:
---------- Forwarded message --------- Hello, I would like to participate in the cockpit development groups, first of all collaborating with the Spanish translations,
That would be great, ¡gracias! 😀
Cockpit is translated on weblate: https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/cockpit/main/es/
You can log in with your Fedora account and start there. Help there is much appreciated!
I would also like to create some plugins that I have in mind.
Please have a look at some initial information on https://cockpit-project.org → Contributing, in particular these:
https://cockpit-project.org/blog/creating-plugins-for-the-cockpit-user-inter... https://cockpit-project.org/blog/cockpit-starter-kit.html
When you start your own plugin in earnest and create tests, it is also highly recommended to look at and use our dev environment: https://cockpit-project.org/external/source/HACKING.html
This gives you an easy, safe, and known-working env without having to permanently change your host OS.
Feel free to ask on the mailing list or on Matrix for discussing ideas or if you have technical questions.
Good luck and have fun!