The use of 'unsafe-inline' or 'unsafe-eval' or '*' in the Content-Security-Policy lines of manifest.json files is the equivalent of 'setenforce 0'.
It's not okay to disable this security measure for code included in the Cockpit codebase. This security measure prevents XSS, code-injection and other security attacks.
To bring this closer to home, the following aren't allowed:
* onclick='...' attributes -> Attach event handlers from javascript instead.
* <script> ... </script> inline scripts -> Include a script file rather than inline scripts
* <style> ... </style> inline CSS -> Include this in your CSS file rather than inline
* style='...' attributes -> Use your CSS file or javascript to set dynamic styles
* eval() or Function() -> Never evaluate javascript directly
By default Cockpit will refuse to allow them in loaded pages or javascript ... and we shouldn't use 'unsafe-inline' or 'unsafe-eval' in the manifest.json file to bypass this.
I've added some testing so that such code in the Cockpit repository will be detected.
Happy hacking,