Hi all,
Sorry for the delay in sending this, I thought I had already done this!
Here the meeting minutes for the meeting of 2014-09-22.
The next meeting is at 2014-09-29, at 15:00 UTC. To see the time in your local timezone, execute the following in a shell: date -d "september 29, 2014 15:00 UTC"
For the full meeting minutes, please look at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/cockpit/2014-09-22/cockpit.2014-09-22-15.01...
The summary:
=========================================== #cockpit: Cockpit public meeting 2014-09-22 ===========================================
Meeting started by puiterwijk at 15:01:46 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/cockpit/2014-09-22/cockpit.2014-09-22-15.01... .
Meeting summary - --------------- * Welcome (puiterwijk, 15:01:57)
* Fedora 21 status (puiterwijk, 15:03:02) * Fedora 21 Alpha is GO! (puiterwijk, 15:03:08) * Alpha release tomorrow (september 23) (puiterwijk, 15:03:23) * ACTION: mvollmer test selinux "known-hosts" fix and give karma (mvollmer, 15:04:26) * ACTION: mvollmer give karma to storaged 0.3.1 (mvollmer, 15:04:47) * ACTION: everyone should check F21 out after release (puiterwijk, 15:04:56) * Fedora 21 Beta freeze at October 14 (puiterwijk, 15:07:01) * Fedora 21 Beta release (scheduled) October 28 (puiterwijk, 15:07:13) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Schedule (puiterwijk, 15:09:03) * ACTION: mvollmer puiterwijk to discuss wheel-setuid-helper with stefw (puiterwijk, 15:16:47) * integration tests run by default on Fedora 21 now (mvollmer, 15:18:06)
* CI Handover (puiterwijk, 15:20:02) * ACTION: puiterwijk to check on the bridge at files.cockpit-project.org (puiterwijk, 15:21:33) * ACTION: puiterwijk to make vm-create -f cockpit work on files.cp.o (puiterwijk, 15:23:12) * ACTION: puiterwijk to bug people about ci.cp.o network move (puiterwijk, 15:25:46) * LINK: https://lists.fedorahosted.org/pipermail/cockpit-devel/2014-September/000176... (puiterwijk, 15:30:07)
* Atomic status (puiterwijk, 15:31:18) * LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc2NgotkfWE :-) (mvollmer, 15:39:28) * LINK: http://www.brooksgroup.com/assets/2013/08/Round-tuit1.jpg (puiterwijk, 15:40:43)
* What's cooking (puiterwijk, 15:41:41) * SSO is about to be merged (puiterwijk, 15:42:16) * Next steps in modular architecture (puiterwijk, 15:42:21) * Making wheel work better (puiterwijk, 15:42:32) * LINK: https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit-design/tree/master/navigation (andreasn, 15:43:47) * Navigation rework and small UI fixes underway (puiterwijk, 15:43:52)
* Open floor (puiterwijk, 15:45:49)
Meeting ended at 15:47:06 UTC.
Action Items - ------------ * mvollmer test selinux "known-hosts" fix and give karma * mvollmer give karma to storaged 0.3.1 * everyone should check F21 out after release * mvollmer puiterwijk to discuss wheel-setuid-helper with stefw * puiterwijk to check on the bridge at files.cockpit-project.org * puiterwijk to make vm-create -f cockpit work on files.cp.o * puiterwijk to bug people about ci.cp.o network move
Action Items, by person - ----------------------- * mvollmer * mvollmer test selinux "known-hosts" fix and give karma * mvollmer give karma to storaged 0.3.1 * mvollmer puiterwijk to discuss wheel-setuid-helper with stefw * puiterwijk * mvollmer puiterwijk to discuss wheel-setuid-helper with stefw * puiterwijk to check on the bridge at files.cockpit-project.org * puiterwijk to make vm-create -f cockpit work on files.cp.o * puiterwijk to bug people about ci.cp.o network move * stefw * mvollmer puiterwijk to discuss wheel-setuid-helper with stefw * **UNASSIGNED** * everyone should check F21 out after release
People Present (lines said) - --------------------------- * puiterwijk (88) * mvollmer (68) * andreasn (12) * zodbot (9) * sgallagh (0) * stefw (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
- --- With kind regards, Patrick Uiterwijk Associate Software Engineer, Red Hat