My name is Radka, known as Rhea around the internet. I've been living all
over the Europe, so I can't really answer the question "where are you from"
with a single place :P
I recently joined the RedHat team, so why not put on my Fedora as well? =)
As former game-programmer I have my code in games like Angry Birds or World
of Tanks, and I'm still very active in the gaming community. I'm admin of
several Discord servers, from gaming to development related and some of
them are partnered with Discord. I've got my own community-managment bot to
help me with that job as well.
I'm the dotnet-on-linux weird codergirl =)
Best regards,
*Radka Janeková*
*radka.janek(a)redhat.com <radka.janek(a)redhat.com>*