Hi Commops team :)
We have one article pending from some time. [1] Sylvia has done great
work and article is very much in good shape. Will be nice, if we can have
one quick review and release this on communityblog.
We are soon planning vFAD for Fedora 26 and it will be very helpful to
get this out soon to community.
Pravin Satpute
1. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=2504&preview=true
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: pravin.d.s(a)gmail.com <pravin.d.s(a)gmail.com>
Date: 16 March 2017 at 16:06
Subject: Re: Updating a Community Blog article
To: Fedora Translation Project List <trans(a)lists.fedoraproject.org>
On Mar 16, 2017 3:43 PM, "Sylvia Sánchez" <lailahfsf(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I just updated this article. Please, check if there are any errors. Also
I'd like to apologise for resuming this so long after it happened.
Community blog editor does review before publish.. I think minor errors are
fine.. We can/will correct it in comments if any :)
Thanks for again quickly coming over this.. !!
Lets submit this for review to commblog grouo.
Kind regards,
2016-12-01 13:31 GMT+01:00 Zdenek Chmelar <chmelarz(a)gmail.com>:
> Hi Sylvia
> You used old figures, please use those located in
> https://zdenek.fedorapeople.org/Translation.Sprint.F25/Graph.3D/
> New graphs are OK
> _______________________________________________
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trans mailing list -- trans(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
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I am a 1st-year B.Tech student at Amrita University, India. I am also an
active member of the FOSS <http://foss.amrita.ac.in/>(Free and Open Source
Software) club at my university. So far, I am familiar with C, C++, Python,
HTML, CSS and AngularJS and I have worked on a few projects using them. I
am also learning RPM packaging
I have been working with Fedora Community for the past 3 months and have
made significant contributions to the community through bug fixing. I have
also fixed some bugs [1] in Fedora-infra/bodhi
<https://github.com/fedora-infra/bodhi> and I am currently working on some.
It feels great to be associated with the community and I look forward to be
around for a long time.
I would like to join the Fedora-CommOps community and learn more by
contributing to the community.
[1] https://github.com/fedora-infra/bodhi/commits?author=ankit01ojha
With Regards
Ankit Raj Ojha
B.Tech CSE
*|Blog <https://ankit01ojha.wordpress.com/>*|
<https://github.com/ankit01ojha>|Github| <https://github.com/ankit01ojha>
*Be who you were created to be, and you will set the world on fire.*
ankursinha reported a new issue against the project: `fedora-commops` that you are following:
It'll be nice if we (the freemedia team) could generate some metrics on a monthly basis. Just opening this ticket up here as a tracking ticket. I brought it up on the freemedia list already, and a few people do seem to be interested in working on it. We can use this ticket for discussion and updates.
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rhea reported a new issue against the project: `fedora-commops` that you are following:
This issue is a stub for working out ideas, concepts, and other steps involved for contributors who would like to officially join the DotNet team.
## Problem
The goal of the dotnet SIG is to establish dotnet presence in Fedora, from providing information to the user, through taking care of dotnet packages in future Fedora releases, to providing information and help to other packagers.
## Current state
Basic [wiki page[1]](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DotNet) was drafted, [mailing list[3]](https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/dotnet-sig.lists.fedor… and [FAS group[4]](https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/view/dotnet-sig) created, and we are currently looking for a good [time](http://whenisgood.net/fedora-dotnet) for IRC [meetings](https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/issue/1). During the first IRC meeting we should discuss the future goals and next steps of our progress ([agenda](https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/issue/2))
## Questions & Ideas
* **Wiki page** - Everything is currently at [wiki/dotnet[1]](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DotNet) while I would like _this_ page to contain general info about dotnet on Fedora, info for the user and packagers how to use dotnet, etc... and to move the organizational part about the team and joining it to [wiki/SIGs/dotnet[2]](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/DotNet)
* **FAS Group & Mailing List** - I'm not entirely sure about this, what would it ideally look like in the future, however for now there is no reason to do anything and we can keep it as it is with a single group and list. The idea for the future is, that if dotnet becomes popular and the group would grow, we should split off the core team and create new fas group and mailing list `dotnet-devel` or something along those lines, while the SIG would remain generic and public group of people with common interest.
* **What next?** (technical side) - This should be answered during the first (above mentioned) IRC meeting, it should go along the lines of getting all the current problems together (pagure issues) and starting to look into them one by one - we should come up with priorities, etc... Next steps in organization of the group are already outlined and questions are raised in the above points.
### ref
1. wiki/dotnet: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DotNet
2. wiki/SIGs/dotnet: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/DotNet
3. mailing list: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/dotnet-sig.lists.fedoraproject.…
4. FAS group: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/view/dotnet-sig
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bex reported a new issue against the project: `fedora-commops` that you are following:
Should the commblog put together an editorial calendar/timeline?
This would be a place to track things like:
o When we expect to see release announcements, supplemental wall paper, elections, etc.
o When we want to boost Fedora's presence at conference like FOSDEM, etc.
o Standing columns and ideas
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skamath reported a new issue against the project: `fedora-commops` that you are following:
## Problem
Right now, metrics collection in CommOps is not very efficient and requires a lot of manual work. Metrics for various events/FAS groups/users are collected using scripts which query [datagrepper](https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/) and return results. This process is very time consuming and writing scripts each time is a very tedious process. Also, querying the datagrepper to get data everytime is redundant and time-consuming.
Example of current statistics generation : https://github.com/bee2502/fedora-stats-tools (Lots of hack-y scripts)
## Proposed Solution
Hack on [statscache](https://github.com/fedora-infra/statscache) to build a central metrics generation system for Fedora with handy features to pull statistics. Statscache consumes all the messages and does not query datagrepper every single time thereby increasing the efficiency. By building on top of statscache, we can significantly reduce the number of scripts required to gather metrics to almost 0.
Nice to have features :
* Statistics by FAS group.
* Per user statistics.
* Statistics of users holding a badge (Useful for event statistics)
* Exporting of stats in various formats (JSON, HTML, CSV, etc)
* Date based filtering for all statistics (Useful for generating reports)
* Graphs for statistics
I added the above-mentioned features based on datagrepper in the [tool](https://pagure.io/gsoc-stats) I had developed last summer. This can be used as a base for statscache integration.
Sample data generated using the tool : [fedstats-data](https://github.com/sachinkamath/fedstats-data)
## Final Deliverables
* A webapp to run queries (with a nice, minimal interface - based on statscache)
* API for all the queries functions
* Well-Documented code.
This is my initial proposal and we can definitely build upon this. Thoughts?
CC: @bee2502 @bex
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I update the ticket 21 as requested, but I want to sent the info to all:
In the Fedora Latam Ambassador's meeting
Latam Ambassadors answer that they are ok to include the post in the
CommOps Blog to promote the events in where we participate, but they
request to an email to be sent to Global Ambassador list to make this
official. Also they ask for the steps to publish articles in CommOps Blog.
This will probably originate some tasks, but Latam Ambassadors are willing
to colaborate. All regions should be notified about this initiative, and I
think it could lead to a very good marketing to attract new contributors.
Eduard Lucena
Móvil: +56962318010
GNU/Linux User #589060
Ubuntu User #8749
Fedora Ambassador Latam
ankursinha reported a new issue against the project: `fedora-commops` that you are following:
We've seen that while wcidff works well, it works well for people looking for tasks to work on, which isn't necessarily the same as people looking to join the project, at least not to begin with.
We'd like to see how wcidff can be improved
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