Awesome! And yes, magazine is a much better channel. We can still run a pointer article on CommBlog once it's up too.

Maybe we can get ambassadors at FOSDEM table to stage something tomo?

I saw Jiri there today, cc'ing him to see if we can't arrange to get some sticker pics at the booth tomorrow. I've got booth duty at devconf, so worst case I can make that happen there if we can't get anything sooner.

Looking Forward,

The draft is up. I could use a few photos of the stickers in action, though:

* Photos of a pile/group of stickers on a desk or table, preferably a
set of shots with some choices for angle and placement, and depth of
focus to add drama
* Photos of stickers on a laptop
* Photos of stickers on something non-laptop
* A silly photo of a sticker on a pet, a baby, or something otherwise
humorously inappropriate (but in a completely SFW way!)

These will spruce up the article. Thanks to anyone who can provide these.

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