
My name is Jhoanir Torres. I'm an enthusiast for technology, open source, music, space exploration, coffee and pizza. I use linux since 2002. My first experience was Knoppix and then I made a jump to Slackware until I met gentoo and then, things went crazy. Currently, my job is to lead software development projects for Telefónica in Ecuador.

Check my user page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jhoanir

- Are you new to contributing to Fedora? If so, tell us why you're interested in contributing to Fedora or what interests you about the Project.

I've made small contributions in Fedora Project since 2011. I created my account in FAS in 2015. I am interested in collaborating because in Ecuador the community is very small or nonexistent.

- Already a contributor? Share what other areas of Fedora you are working in and your role in the Project.

Right now, I'm collaborating with:

* Infrastructure-Apprentice as User
* Classroom as Instructor

- From the things we help with, what interested you from that list? Where do you want to help contribute?

* Messaging
* Storytelling
* Hubs
* Wiki
* Culture
* Metrics
* Voting
* Misc

- What kind of experience do you have working in open source or in online communities? Anything that you think could be helpful for you in CommOps?

Well, I've participated in severals FOSS projects before and onlines/real-person communities since 2002. I'm from the lan parties age XD.

- How can we can help YOU get started?

I need some support to rise a community here in Ecuador. Your time in some events in the future will be helpful. Suggestions are welcome.

Jhoanir Torres