I remember this from a discussion in the IRC some time back. Nice work jflory! 
However I think "contributors" should have the privilege to moderate/reply to the comments on their "own" published posts.

Your thoughts ?


On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 12:19 AM, Justin W. Flory <jflory7@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey all,

Just wanted to share a small update on some changes I made to the
permissions tonight. I wanted to mirror the Magazine's article approval
process while making it more lenient for new contributors.

I made the new default role for the CommBlog a "contributor" that does
not have access to publish, but should be able to write new posts, edit
them, and access the panel.

The idea is that once they write their article, they can email the list
asking for approval and can have it reviewed. After one or two articles
with this approval process, they can be granted "author" privileges,
which includes the ability to self-publish and moderate comments.

If anyone feels it should be different, I'm open for discussion!

Justin W. Flory

commops mailing list