Meeting ended Tue Nov 17 18:05:00 2015 UTC. Minutes: Minutes (text): Log:
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========================== #fedora-meeting-2: CommOps ==========================
Meeting started by decause at 17:03:47 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * Agenda (decause, 17:04:50) * LINK: (decause, 17:05:03)
* RollCall (decause, 17:05:34) * Justin W. Flory <jflory7>, UTC-5, CommOps / Marketing / Ambassadors / Join SIG (jflory7, 17:06:23) * decasue, UTC-5, Commops/Council/Ambassadors/Mktg/AllTheThings (decause, 17:07:01) * danofsatx, UTC-6, Ambassadors, interested in other components (danofsatx, 17:09:26)
* Outreachy (decause, 17:11:12)
* WikiGardening (decause, 17:12:29) * ACTION: newmembers Update your lisitng on CommOps Wiki (decause, 17:14:06) * LINK: (decause, 17:14:11) * ACTION: keekri follow-up with jkurik about updating elections wiki page, cc decause and commops list (decause, 17:19:23) * LINK: (decause, 17:20:03) * LINK: (decause, 17:20:09)
* CommBlog (decause, 17:20:36) * LINK: (jflory7, 17:21:01) * LINK: (jflory7, 17:22:26) * CommBlog will be where candidate interviews are officially posted and shared with Fedora Community (jflory7, 17:23:13) * ACTION: decause look into whether or not FAMSco elections are actually a thing... (decause, 17:23:27) * Elections Questionnaire is source of questions that might appear on CommBlog interviews - recommended to review questions, possibly add some too (jflory7, 17:26:22) * LINK: (jflory7, 17:26:24) * ACTION: keekri add the pending note to the FAMsCo wiki (keekri, 17:27:12) * Status unclear about FAmSCo elections, pending note being added to wiki article while information is clarified (jflory7, 17:27:45) * November 17-23: Nomination period open (closes promptly at 23:59:00 UTC on November 23rd) (decause, 17:28:31) * ACTION: jflory7 draft up announcement regarding Fedora Election interviews appearing on CommBlog this cycle (to be drafted ASAP) (jflory7, 17:30:17) * LINK: (decause, 17:31:00) * LINK: (decause, 17:31:49) * December 08: Results announcement for Fedora Elections (decause, 17:34:54) * Cross-channel posting for F21 EoL is due today (decause, 17:36:34) * ACTION: decause pong pfrields with EoL draft review request (decause, 17:37:37) * Badges: CommBlog contributor badges are in-progress; also looking at getting a "I voted!" badge to help boost participation, keekri to file ticket with Fedora Badges Trac (jflory7, 17:37:56) * CommBlog will be announcing a 2nd Call for FLOCK Bids! (decause, 17:40:01) * ACTION: jflory7 look into adding a "Login" button to navbar of CommBlog - if not doable, go to Trac/ML (jflory7, 17:40:54) * LINK: (decause, 17:42:50) * LINK: (decause, 17:42:56) * LINK: (danofsatx, 17:42:59) * LINK: (decause, 17:43:31) * ACTION: jflory7 after meeting, file ticket on Trac to prime discussion about FLOCK Call for Bids article on CommBlog (jflory7, 17:46:47) * ACTION: commops post FLOCK call for bids ticket to planning list (decause, 17:47:04) * ACTION: jflory7 Schedule G11n FAD article for Thursday morning (jflory7, 17:48:11) * LINK: (decause, 17:48:38)
* 5tftw (decause, 17:50:50) * LINK: (decause, 17:51:26)
* plumbing (decause, 17:52:42) * plumbing = infrastructure-y things (decause, 17:53:05) * ACTION: jflory7 create repost of mstuchli's article summing up Py3FAD for CommBlog (jflory7, 17:54:23) * LINK: (jflory7, 17:55:36) * ACTION: decause Pick up discussion about CommBlog plugins / IFTTT either in mailing list or in IRC (jflory7, 18:01:34)
* Open Floor (jflory7, 18:01:37) * ACTION: decause add jflory as a trac admin (decause, 18:03:01)
Meeting ended at 18:05:00 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * newmembers Update your lisitng on CommOps Wiki * keekri follow-up with jkurik about updating elections wiki page, cc decause and commops list * decause look into whether or not FAMSco elections are actually a thing... * keekri add the pending note to the FAMsCo wiki * jflory7 draft up announcement regarding Fedora Election interviews appearing on CommBlog this cycle (to be drafted ASAP) * decause pong pfrields with EoL draft review request * jflory7 look into adding a "Login" button to navbar of CommBlog - if not doable, go to Trac/ML * jflory7 after meeting, file ticket on Trac to prime discussion about FLOCK Call for Bids article on CommBlog * commops post FLOCK call for bids ticket to planning list * jflory7 Schedule G11n FAD article for Thursday morning * jflory7 create repost of mstuchli's article summing up Py3FAD for CommBlog * decause Pick up discussion about CommBlog plugins / IFTTT either in mailing list or in IRC * decause add jflory as a trac admin
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * decause * keekri follow-up with jkurik about updating elections wiki page, cc decause and commops list * decause look into whether or not FAMSco elections are actually a thing... * decause pong pfrields with EoL draft review request * decause Pick up discussion about CommBlog plugins / IFTTT either in mailing list or in IRC * decause add jflory as a trac admin * jflory7 * jflory7 draft up announcement regarding Fedora Election interviews appearing on CommBlog this cycle (to be drafted ASAP) * jflory7 look into adding a "Login" button to navbar of CommBlog - if not doable, go to Trac/ML * jflory7 after meeting, file ticket on Trac to prime discussion about FLOCK Call for Bids article on CommBlog * jflory7 Schedule G11n FAD article for Thursday morning * jflory7 create repost of mstuchli's article summing up Py3FAD for CommBlog * keekri * keekri follow-up with jkurik about updating elections wiki page, cc decause and commops list * keekri add the pending note to the FAMsCo wiki * **UNASSIGNED** * newmembers Update your lisitng on CommOps Wiki * commops post FLOCK call for bids ticket to planning list
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * decause (178) * jflory7 (96) * keekri (44) * mailga (16) * descientist (11) * zodbot (10) * danofsatx (5) * threebean (0) * lmacken (0) * mattdm (0)
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