This week's minutes. Thanks everyone for staying out a little bit past the time!
Meeting ended Tue Dec 8 18:12:17 2015 UTC. Minutes: Minutes (text): Log:
* * * * *
========================== #fedora-meeting-2: CommOps ==========================
Meeting started by decause at 17:02:31 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * RollCall (decause, 17:03:30) * decause, UTC-5, CommOps, Council, Ambassadors, Fedmsg (decause, 17:04:23) * Justin W. Flory; UTC-5; CommOps / Marketing (Magazine) / Join / Ambassadors / and more (jflory7, 17:04:33) * decause, UTC-5, all-the-things (decause, 17:04:58) * bee2502 UTC+5.30 CommOps/Metrics/Badges/Elections (bee2502, 17:05:01) * nb UTC-6 packaging, infrastructure, ambassadors, marketing, docs, etc (nb_, 17:06:00) * danofsatx, Dan Mossor, UTC-6, CommOps, Ambassadors, QA, Server, KDE (danofsatx, 17:06:01) * LINK: (jflory7, 17:07:52)
* Agenda (decause, 17:08:01) * LINK: (jflory7, 17:08:06)
* Tickets (decause, 17:09:20) * === Ticket #5 [ ] === (jflory7, 17:09:34) * * Writing a beginner's guide for Trac (jflory7, 17:09:38) * Will come later in 2016 (jflory7, 17:10:27) * === Ticket #7 [ ] === (jflory7, 17:10:29) * * Fedora Elections coverage (jflory7, 17:10:42) * ACTION: jflory/decause reach out to magazine to make sure the twitter/jetpack is still hooked up properly (decause, 17:13:24) * ACTION: decause look into really deploying wordcloudbot somewhere (ping infra team) (decause, 17:14:31) * ACTION: jflory7 / decause Write quick summary of Elections and where to find all interviews (jflory7, 17:15:57) * === Ticket #8 [ (decause, 17:19:00) * * Community Blog + Flock bids: Getting word out on social media (decause, 17:19:10) * Recent discussion on the mailing list: Is this still worth pursuing? (decause, 17:19:25) * ACTION: decause ping Vienaa bidders for FLOCK 2016 bid updates (decause, 17:20:29) * ACTION: commops update the "last call for flock bids" post with more suggestions (decause, 17:22:40) * ACTION: commops promote updated "last call" post on social media (decause, 17:22:55) * ACTION: commops promote updated "last call" post on Fedora Mail Lists (decause, 17:23:06) * LINK: (jflory7, 17:25:56) * === Ticket #9 [ (decause, 17:26:06) * * Improve "What can I do for Fedora?" site - CommOps has a spot! (decause, 17:26:19) * jflory7 is awesome (decause, 17:26:34) * LINK: (jflory7, 17:27:12) * === Ticket #10 [ (decause, 17:27:23) * * CommOps vFAD 2016 (decause, 17:27:49) * ACTION: decause talk to jkurik and maxamillion about when a vFAD would be most helpful in release cycle (decause, 17:29:00) * === Ticket #11 [ (decause, 17:30:54) * * Budgeting Site: Infra + Website collaboration (decause, 17:31:05) * AGREED: threebean is a ninja (decause, 17:31:24) * ACTION: decause ping robyduck about posting to websites list/trac (decause, 17:33:42) * ACTION: decause ping fedora-infra about getting a pointer for (decause, 17:33:59) * === Ticket #14 [ (decause, 17:34:38) * * Redefining our "official" definition and purpose (decause, 17:34:51)
* WikiGardening (decause, 17:38:41) * new members please add yourself to the commops wiki page :) (decause, 17:38:53) * CommOps wiki page received a small makeover; please review at your leisure (jflory7, 17:38:54) * CommBlog now has a wiki presence [ ] (jflory7, 17:39:07) * ACTION: jflory7 add screenshot to wiki article (jflory7, 17:39:53) * LINK: (jflory7, 17:41:13)
* Community Blog (jflory7, 17:42:37) * === This Week in CommBlog === (jflory7, 17:42:37) * * Election interviews, interviews, and more interviews! (jflory7, 17:42:37) * === Coming Up in CommBlog === (jflory7, 17:43:04) * * Year in Review introduction (jflory7, 17:43:09) * LINK: ** (jflory7, 17:43:20) * ACTION: jflory7 remember to include info about FOSDEM, Fedora presence, and talking fuel (jflory7, 17:46:02) * LINK: (decause, 17:47:45) * ACTION: jflory7 / decause ship FOSDEM Devroom call article ASAP (jflory7, 17:50:01)
* 5tftw (decause, 17:51:17) * New 5tftw article went out on 2015-12-04 (decause, 17:51:31) * LINK: (decause, 17:51:47) * LINK: (jflory7, 17:52:04) * HELP: More content needed, fill up the pad with more "5 Things in Fedora This Week" content: (decause, 17:52:31) * ACTION: jflory7 5tftw: Remember LetsEncrypt news (jflory7, 17:53:04)
* Metrics (decause, 17:53:26) * LINK: (decause, 17:54:01) * LINK: (jflory7, 18:01:01) * AGREED: Pull together a post-Elections metrics wrap-up (jflory7, 18:02:39) * fedora-stats-tools: will use for our own metrics (jflory7, 18:04:58)
* Plumbing (jflory7, 18:05:13) * * Hooking up email posting to CommBlog (jflory7, 18:05:26)
* Outreachy (jflory7, 18:06:21) * any outreachy applicants from this cycle who want to solidify a mentor plan should email decause ** (jflory7, 18:06:29)
* Hubs (jflory7, 18:10:01) * decause / threebean available in IRC to help bootstrap for Fedora Hubs (and on campus @ RIT) (jflory7, 18:11:54)
Meeting ended at 18:12:17 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * jflory/decause reach out to magazine to make sure the twitter/jetpack is still hooked up properly * decause look into really deploying wordcloudbot somewhere (ping infra team) * jflory7 / decause Write quick summary of Elections and where to find all interviews * decause ping Vienaa bidders for FLOCK 2016 bid updates * commops update the "last call for flock bids" post with more suggestions * commops promote updated "last call" post on social media * commops promote updated "last call" post on Fedora Mail Lists * decause talk to jkurik and maxamillion about when a vFAD would be most helpful in release cycle * decause ping robyduck about posting to websites list/trac * decause ping fedora-infra about getting a pointer for * jflory7 add screenshot to wiki article * jflory7 remember to include info about FOSDEM, Fedora presence, and talking fuel * jflory7 / decause ship FOSDEM Devroom call article ASAP * jflory7 5tftw: Remember LetsEncrypt news
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * decause * jflory/decause reach out to magazine to make sure the twitter/jetpack is still hooked up properly * decause look into really deploying wordcloudbot somewhere (ping infra team) * jflory7 / decause Write quick summary of Elections and where to find all interviews * decause ping Vienaa bidders for FLOCK 2016 bid updates * decause talk to jkurik and maxamillion about when a vFAD would be most helpful in release cycle * decause ping robyduck about posting to websites list/trac * decause ping fedora-infra about getting a pointer for * jflory7 / decause ship FOSDEM Devroom call article ASAP * jflory7 * jflory7 / decause Write quick summary of Elections and where to find all interviews * jflory7 add screenshot to wiki article * jflory7 remember to include info about FOSDEM, Fedora presence, and talking fuel * jflory7 / decause ship FOSDEM Devroom call article ASAP * jflory7 5tftw: Remember LetsEncrypt news * maxamillion * decause talk to jkurik and maxamillion about when a vFAD would be most helpful in release cycle * **UNASSIGNED** * commops update the "last call for flock bids" post with more suggestions * commops promote updated "last call" post on social media * commops promote updated "last call" post on Fedora Mail Lists
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * decause (185) * jflory7 (138) * bee2502 (20) * danofsatx (13) * zodbot (12) * nb_ (3) * maxamillion (3) * lbazan (1) * threebean (0) * lmacken (0) * keekri (0) * mattdm (0) * nb (0)
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