"Next" meaning one after the upcoming release :).

On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 4:06 PM, Michal Novotny <clime@redhat.com> wrote:
On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 3:38 PM, Martin Juhl <mj@casalogic.dk> wrote:

When trying to access the build and package pages I get:

ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.ProgrammingError) function status_to_order(integer) does not exist LINE 8: ...LECT build_chroot.build_id, started_on, ended_on, status_to_... ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. [SQL: '\nSELECT build.id, MAX(package.name) AS pkg_name, build.pkg_version, build.submitted_on,\n MIN(statuses.started_on) AS started_on, MAX(statuses.ended_on) AS ended_on, order_to_status(MIN(statuses.st)) AS status,\n build.canceled, MIN("group".name) AS group_name, MIN(copr.name) as copr_name, MIN("user".username) as user_name\nFROM build\nLEFT OUTER JOIN package\n ON build.package_id = package.id\nLEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT build_chroot.build_id, started_on, ended_on, status_to_order(status) AS st FROM build_chroot) AS statuses\n ON statuses.build_id=build.id\nLEFT OUTER JOIN copr\n ON copr.id = build.copr_id\nLEFT OUTER JOIN "user"\n ON copr.user_id = "user".id\nLEFT OUTER JOIN "group"\n ON copr.group_id = "group".id\nWHERE build.copr_id = %(copr_id)s\nGROUP BY\n build.id;\n'] [parameters: {'copr_id': 1}]

Seems like the function "status_to_order" is missing.. I have tried upgrading to python-psycopg2-2.6.1-1.. no change...

Any suggestions???

You need to run:

 ~/copr/frontend/coprs_frontend $ COPR_CONFIG=/etc/copr/copr.conf alembic downgrade 3ec22e1db75a
 ~/copr/frontend/coprs_frontend $ COPR_CONFIG=/etc/copr/copr.conf alembic upgrade head

"./manage.py create_db --alembic alembic.ini" installation instruction from copr-setup.txt is creating db according to COPR flask models but this db function is defined purely in alembic revisions. In the next release, this will be fixed.

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