
a new COPR version was released and put into production today. Apart from numerous bug fixes, we have also introduced couple of cool new features:
- Building RubyGems
- Package handling through copr-cli (creating/editing/deleting/listing/fetching)
- speeding up Package view
- build timeout increased to 24 hours
- searching by package names
- enable other group users to edit the project settings

I hope, you will enjoy those.

The bugfixes include:
- Bug 1337446 - Broken links to builds in package tab
- Bug 1336360 - reverse naming for custom and mageia chroots
- Bug 1333792 - do not count group projects
- Bug 1334625 - Search for coprs owned by a group does not work
- Bug 1334575 - Missing package name in "Recent builds" tab for upload/url builds
- Bug 1334390 - Bad link in Recent Builds for group project
- Bug 1333082 - Disable createrepo does not work on group project
