On Mar 21, 2015 10:17, "Antoine Pitrou" <antoine@python.org> wrote:
> In the past I've tried to persuade you that modern FS communities needed
> a weak copyleft license more than a strong one. I hope you can still be
> persuaded of that :-)

I do take some issue with your premise; if anything the in-vogue nature of permissive licenses is all the more reason to champion a simple and readable strong copyleft license, rather than meeting the trend halfway. And obviously, considering the inherent "and later" language in copyleft-next and the explicit GPLv3 compatibility, this license itself has to remain nice and strong in its copyleftness, eh?

But all that being said, I'm sure many of us interested enough in licenses and related policy issues to be subscribed to this mailing list would be glad to hear what your arguments are in favour of a lesser-copyleft-next, even if we might expect to strongly or at least weakly disagree :)