Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2022-02-16/fedora_coreos…
Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2022-02-16/fedora_coreos…
Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2022-02-16/fedora_coreos…
#fedora-meeting-1: fedora_coreos_meeting
Meeting started by dustymabe at 16:30:22 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* roll call (dustymabe, 16:30:27)
* Action items from last meeting (dustymabe, 16:34:25)
* dustymabe opened ticket for DNSoverTLS tracking:
(dustymabe, 16:35:17)
* dustymabe opened ticket for investigation of missing packages
affecting auto updates:
(dustymabe, 16:35:24)
* miabbott opened ticket for Golang 1.18 testing
(miabbott, 16:35:39)
* ACTION: jlebon to open issue to investigate "102 Introduce module
Obsoletes and EOL" (dustymabe, 16:36:57)
* cverna is trying to get started a "This month in Fedora CoreOS
newsletter" --> https://hackmd.io/fITa6rtNTy6Ub1WO4nkdnw (cverna,
* Add factory reset capability (dustymabe, 16:38:59)
* LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/399
(dustymabe, 16:39:08)
* AGREED: For our factory reset capability we'll use kexec and
initially require either network access or local copies of the
install media to exist. In the future we may generate intall media
from the existing system. We also will limit our scope to just
re-installing FCOS on FCOS and disallow/discourage running it from
other distros. (dustymabe, 17:04:26)
* tracker: Fedora 36 changes considerations (dustymabe, 17:04:44)
* LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/918
(dustymabe, 17:05:15)
* ACTION: ravanelli to look into the F36 changes 127 to see if this
change affects us on ppc64le (dustymabe, 17:09:39)
* LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1070
(dustymabe, 17:17:43)
* ACTION: dustymabe to create a f36 changes ticket for podman 4.0
investigation/announcement (dustymabe, 17:20:45)
* podman v4.0, Fedora 35 and CoreOS (dustymabe, 17:21:27)
* LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1070
(dustymabe, 17:21:32)
* ACTION: jlebon to send out an announcement about podmanv4 coming to
F36 and the beta coming to next in the coming weeks (dustymabe,
* AGREED: It would be nice if we could have podman 3 and 4
co-installable in F35 so users and podman-machine could use our more
stable streams with podman v4. However, there is definitely some
work left to do there. If that work doesn't get done and if the
podman team is happy with their users being on `next` when the F36
beta lands then that may be the approach that wins. (dustymabe,
* open floor (dustymabe, 17:37:44)
* LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1093 >
Has anyone submitted a talk? (travier, 17:38:26)
Meeting ended at 17:41:32 UTC.
Action Items
* jlebon to open issue to investigate "102 Introduce module Obsoletes
and EOL"
* ravanelli to look into the F36 changes 127 to see if this change
affects us on ppc64le
* dustymabe to create a f36 changes ticket for podman 4.0
* jlebon to send out an announcement about podmanv4 coming to F36 and
the beta coming to next in the coming weeks
Action Items, by person
* dustymabe
* dustymabe to create a f36 changes ticket for podman 4.0
* jlebon
* jlebon to open issue to investigate "102 Introduce module Obsoletes
and EOL"
* jlebon to send out an announcement about podmanv4 coming to F36 and
the beta coming to next in the coming weeks
* ravanelli
* ravanelli to look into the F36 changes 127 to see if this change
affects us on ppc64le
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* dustymabe (128)
* travier (50)
* jlebon (50)
* zodbot (23)
* cverna (6)
* miabbott (4)
* jaimelm (4)
* ravanelli (3)
* jbrooks (3)
* lucab (3)
* copperi[m] (2)
* aaradhak[m] (1)
* mnguyen_ (1)
* walters (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.4
.. _`MeetBot`: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions
Since the list of Fedora 36 changes is rather large we are going to have
a "pre-meeting" tomorrow. The goal is to try to identify and remove from
consideration changes that don't affect FCOS.
We will also have the regularly scheduled meeting where we will talk about
changes that aren't so obviously innocuous. All are welcome to attend:
Time: 15:30 UTC (one hour before community meeting) on Wednesday February 9th
Location: #fedora-meeting-2 on libera.chat
Agenda/Notes: https://hackmd.io/kyMDKu25T76xAsUaSjMzHQ?view
Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2022-02-09/fedora_coreos…
Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2022-02-09/fedora_coreos…
Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2022-02-09/fedora_coreos…
#fedora-meeting-1: fedora_coreos_meeting
Meeting started by dustymabe at 16:30:01 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* roll call (dustymabe, 16:30:08)
* Action items from last meeting (dustymabe, 16:33:52)
* Actually move iptables to the nft backend (dustymabe, 16:35:14)
* LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/676
(dustymabe, 16:35:21)
* AGREED: To make it easier to understand and easier to rollout we
will couple the conversion to iptables-nft with the rebase to F36.
This means the notice period window will be shorter than initially
discussed. (dustymabe, 16:44:14)
* networking: consider the effects of BOOTIF kernel argument on
nm-initrd-generator (dustymabe, 16:44:33)
* LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1048
(dustymabe, 16:44:40)
* AGREED: We will try to address the BOOTIF issue by updating our "was
networking config provided" logic to handle BOOTIF rather than
blanket applying rd.bootif=0 globally (dustymabe, 16:51:58)
* New Package Request: qemu-user-static (dustymabe, 16:52:24)
* LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1088
(dustymabe, 16:52:31)
* AGREED: There are obviously packaging enhancements that could be
made here (removal of python dep, reduction of shipped emulators by
splitting out into subpackages) that are worth making even if we
don't include qemu-user-static by default. Once those packaging
improvements land we'd need to further consider it for inclusion in
FCOS. It's a good idea, but maybe not necessary for the base
(dustymabe, 17:04:05)
* tracker: Fedora 36 changes considerations (dustymabe, 17:06:27)
* LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/918
(dustymabe, 17:06:33)
* some of us met earlier today to sift through and weed out changes
that we don't think need discussion. (dustymabe, 17:07:06)
* ACTION: jlebon to open issue to investigate "102 Introduce module
Obsoletes and EOL" (dustymabe, 17:10:50)
* ACTION: we think we can pick up DNSoverTLS changes passively but
dustymabe will open a ticket to record the discussion here and
provide a space for any issues that come up to be discussed.
(dustymabe, 17:14:49)
* 111 Drop NIS(+) support from PAM may affect users who use NIS+?
likely not though. If so, we should direct them to e.g. LDAP or
FreeIPA as the Change proposal suggests. so overall, skip.
(dustymabe, 17:16:40)
* ACTION: miabbott to open a tracking ticket for early testing of
golang 1.18 when it's available (dustymabe, 17:21:16)
* ACTION: dustymabe to open an issue for investigation into missing
packages preventing auto-updates from working (dustymabe, 17:26:57)
* we don't currently include the keylime agent in FCOS but we do
generate a hashlist at build time for experimentation. Assuming the
format of the hashlist hasn't changed we should be good here.
(dustymabe, 17:31:41)
* open floor (dustymabe, 17:31:52)
* f36 just branched from rawhide, so now f37 exists (dustymabe,
* LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1093 >
Container Plumbing Days 2022. Feel free to suggest a talk!
(travier, 17:32:37)
Meeting ended at 17:36:01 UTC.
Action Items
* jlebon to open issue to investigate "102 Introduce module Obsoletes
and EOL"
* we think we can pick up DNSoverTLS changes passively but dustymabe
will open a ticket to record the discussion here and provide a space
for any issues that come up to be discussed.
* miabbott to open a tracking ticket for early testing of golang 1.18
when it's available
* dustymabe to open an issue for investigation into missing packages
preventing auto-updates from working
Action Items, by person
* dustymabe
* we think we can pick up DNSoverTLS changes passively but dustymabe
will open a ticket to record the discussion here and provide a space
for any issues that come up to be discussed.
* dustymabe to open an issue for investigation into missing packages
preventing auto-updates from working
* jlebon
* jlebon to open issue to investigate "102 Introduce module Obsoletes
and EOL"
* miabbott
* miabbott to open a tracking ticket for early testing of golang 1.18
when it's available
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* dustymabe (127)
* travier (58)
* jlebon (48)
* zodbot (31)
* miabbott (9)
* fifofonix (6)
* lucab (6)
* miabbott_ (3)
* nirik (2)
* aaradhak (2)
* mnguyen (2)
* ravanelli (1)
* aaradhak[m] (1)
* nemric (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.4
.. _`MeetBot`: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions
Hi All,
Tomorrow we will be holding a video meeting for the Fedora CoreOS community.
We will be discussing Fedora 36 changes as well as our high level goals.
Time: 16:30 UTC (same as normal) on Wednesday February 2nd
Location: https://meet.google.com/meo-enbb-rur (will be recorded)
Agenda/Notes: https://hackmd.io/R5RGUFUATG-pPl34KhgXXg?view