I excitingly forgot that #action doesn't give any context, so I've added it:
Action items, by person:
bexelbie: help deterimine if the Storyteller role concept is still useful/functional, and further develop it if so
jwb take ownership of code of conduct discussion, make proposal with teeth
poke at advancing firefox privacy issue ask ambassadors to write up a proposal for IRC SIG
trac migration
send these action items
finish and send msg on why PRDs are important to Cloud and Workstation
schedule PRD review meeting for Dec or so
On 11/11/2016 03:23 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:
I excitingly forgot that #action doesn't give any context, so I've added it:
Action items, by person:
bexelbie: help deterimine if the Storyteller role concept is still useful/functional, and further develop it if so
I know this email wasn't intended to be a discussion thread and only to be as a reminder, but I wanted to add in a personal note to this for consideration. I strongly believe in the Storyteller position, and through my experiences as an Ambassador and other parts of the project, I see how a role like this would be especially useful (especially when it comes to budget appropriation season). However, I think the role needs critical analysis and rebuilding so that we can set up our Ambassador Storytellers around the world for success.
When it comes time, I will be more than happy to help brainstorm or add thoughts in a relevant mailing list thread or in the original ticket. Thanks!
jwb take ownership of code of conduct discussion, make proposal with teeth
poke at advancing firefox privacy issue ask ambassadors to write up a proposal for IRC SIG
trac migration send these action items finish and send msg on why PRDs are important to Cloud and Workstation schedule PRD review meeting for Dec or so