We basically have a primary IP, and then 0-N secondary IPs. (Usually in the same /24).

Sometimes we will do private IPs for customers on dedicated servers.. but this is just on an ad-hoc basis, and not really supported.

We assign IPs automatically, the user doesn't get a choice (spammers would love the choice).

Nothing the lie amazon elastic IP stuff. But that might come in the future.


2009/10/29 Bob McWhirter <bmcwhirt@redhat.com>
My initial thoughts (plus having only cursorily scanned this thread)
is that...

DNS is external to "the cloud" and applied to it from some other

IP management is internal to "the cloud".

A value-add such as dyndns.org interaction could be useful, I reckon.

Or some standardized POST-back when IPs change, or somesuch, maybe.
But then we're getting into the whole waters of callback notifications
over HTTP, and the state related to such, plus the facilities to
provide such behavior.

How does Rackspace's IP-management compare to EC2's or Rimu's?

Let's analyse what's possible given existing providers, then see what
the feature-set really is, to start with.


On Oct 28, 2009, at 6:32 PM, Michael Neale wrote:

>> Hmm OK. Perhaps it's still something we would eventually want to add
>> to the portal though?
> Perhaps - at least the configuration side of it to help people set it
> up but it really be nice to have name binding in a concise deltacloud
> level api, that is my dream anyway ;)
>> In any case, we *do* need to start thinking about what shape the
>> network management API is going to take...
>> --Hugh
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