
This email is to announce that during the last weeks we have been working on a OpenNebula [1] driver implementation based on the OGF OCCI API [2]. OpenNebula provides the first reference implementation of this new cloud interface specification. The driver is almost finished, so we will distribute the source in a few days. We would have wanted to get this driver into the new core repository, but it came faster than we expected.

We usually release code under Apache license. However, I understand that in Deltacloud, as we did in libvirt with the OpenNebula driver, code must be contributed under LGPL?


[2] http://www.occi-wg.org

Daniel Molina, Cloud Technology Engineer/Researcher
DSA Research Group: web http://dsa-research.org and blog http://blog.dsa-research.org
OpenNebula Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing: http://www.OpenNebula.org