+All development of Deltacloud takes place in the open. Communication is run through the mailing list and all source code changes are tracked publicly. We have two lists, one for [user questions][1], and one for [development discussions and patches][2].
+[1]: https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/deltacloud-users
+[2]: https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/deltacloud-devel
+You can also join us on the Freenode IRC channel #deltacloud.
+Deltacloud developers are generally available on the IRC channel, but if you do not get a response to a posted question on the IRC channel please ask on the [user mailing list][3].
+[3]: https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/deltacloud-users
+For the time being, we track bugs on [Fedora Hosted][4], though we may move them to Bugzilla at some point.
+[4]: https://fedorahosted.org/deltacloud/report

We actually have a component in Bugzilla, so this is not accurate.  They can view open bugs at:
and file a new one at:

+Patches are very welcome. Please send them to the [development list][5]. Patches should be generated with [`git` `format-patch`][6] and sent to the list with [`git` `send-email`][7].
+[5]: https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/deltacloud-devel
+[6]: http://kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-format-patch.html
+[7]: http://kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-send-email.html

I kind of the think the whole above part should be in contribute.haml, rather than here.  getting_started.txt should probably really be README, so it is a more standard name anyway, so if someone checks out the docs repo per the directions, they can just read the README to get going.
+Getting the sources
+The Deltacloud projects consists of two parts: **Core** and **Aggregator**. Core

singular 'project' ^
+gives you the API and drivers to various cloud providers. Aggregator (formerly
+known as Portal) is a web frontend to the API.
Should probably also mention Core provides a client
+In addition, there is the **docs** repository that contains the project
+documentation and the sources of the <http://deltacloud.org> website.
+You can browse the code repositories on the web:
+* [core](http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=deltacloud/core.git;a=summary)
+* [aggregator](http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=deltacloud/portal.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/next)
+* [docs](http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=deltacloud/docs.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/next)
+or download them to your computer:
+    $ git clone git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/deltacloud/core.git/
+    $ git clone git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/deltacloud/portal.git/
+    $ git clone git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/deltacloud/docs.git/

Please add '--branch next' to the end of each of the above commands, this will check out next directly.
 Perhaps also clarify that the above commands are for the latest development version, and that a stable version can be checked out by omitting the '--branch next' part of the command.

+The development of the **docs** and **portal** takes place on the `next` branch:
+    $ cd path/to/deltacloud/docs
+    $ git checkout next
+    $ cd ../portal
+    $ git checkout next

The above steps can be removed. 

 Installing packages
-In order to make the deltacloud components work, you'll need to
-install at least the following packages (on Fedora 12: your distro's
+In order to make the Deltacloud components work, you'll need to
+install at least the following packages (on Fedora 12; your distro's
 packages may vary):

-rubygem-compass (this is not yet in Fedora, so you'll have to gem install)
-rubygem-haml (this is not yet in Fedora, so you'll have to gem install)
+    rubygem-rails
+    rubygem-daemons
+    rubygem-gettext_rails
+    rubygem-sqlite3-ruby
+    rubygem-compass (this is not yet in Fedora, so you'll have to gem install)
+    rubygem-haml (this is not yet in Fedora, so you'll have to gem install)

 If you want to develop using PostgreSQL database instead of the default SQLite,
 install these, too:

+    ruby-postgres
+    postgresql
+    postgresql-server

-You will also need deltacloud-client gem. You can either install the packaged version:
+You will also need **deltacloud-client** gem. You can either install the packaged version:

-$ gem itstall deltacloud-client
+    $ gem install deltacloud-client

-or build it yourself from the core.git repository:
+or build it yourself from the **core** repository:

-$ cd core/client
-$ gem build deltacloud-client.gemspec
-$ gem install deltacloud-client-*.gem
+    $ cd core/client
+    $ gem build deltacloud-client.gemspec
+    $ gem install deltacloud-client-*.gem

-For development purposes we're using SQLite database which is much easier to
+For development purposes we're using [SQLite] database which is much easier to
 set up.

 However, we _strongly_ suggest using a more suitable replacement (such as
-PostgreSQL) in production.
+[PostgreSQL]) in production.
+[SQLite]: http://www.sqlite.org/
+[PostgreSQL]: http://www.postgresql.org/

 If you want to set up PostgreSQL, read the following section. SQLite users may
 skip it and continue with "Setting up the drivers".
@@ -115,32 +103,30 @@ PostgreSQL database setup
 Once you have the proper packages installed you have to setup the
 postgresql database.  As root:

-# /sbin/service postgresql initdb
-# /sbin/service postgresql start
-# su - postgres
-$ psql
-postgres=# CREATE USER dcloud WITH PASSWORD 'v23zj59an' CREATEDB;
-postgres=# \q
-$ exit
+    # /sbin/service postgresql initdb
+    # /sbin/service postgresql start
+    # su - postgres
+    $ psql
+    postgres=# CREATE USER dcloud WITH PASSWORD 'v23zj59an' CREATEDB;
+    postgres=# \q
+    $ exit

 Now you need to edit the pg_hba.conf file
-(/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf on Fedora 12):
+(`/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf` on Fedora 12):

---------- snip ------------------------------
-local all all trust
-host all all trust
-host all all ::1/128 trust
---------- snip ------------------------------
+    local all all trust
+    host all all trust
+    host all all ::1/128 trust

 If you are running on Fedora 12 *only*, to make rake
 succeed you need to append the following to

-       def PGconn.quote_ident(name)
-           %("#{name}")
-       end
+    def PGconn.quote_ident(name)
+       %("#{name}")
+    end

-(see http://github.com/mneumann/postgres-pr/issues/unreads#issue/1)
+(see <http://github.com/mneumann/postgres-pr/issues/unreads#issue/1>)

 Setting up the drivers
@@ -149,37 +135,35 @@ For testing purposes we'll start with the mock driver.  Use of the
 rest of the drivers should be similar, although may require some
 additional gems be installed.

-$ cd path/to/deltacloud/core/server/bin
-$ ./deltacloudd -i mock
+    $ cd path/to/deltacloud/core/server/bin
+    $ ./deltacloudd -i mock

-This will run the deltacloud core server on port 3001.
+This will run the Deltacloud Core server on port 3001.

-Setting up the aggregator
+Setting up the Aggregator
-Now we need to setup the aggregator (which includes the UI).
-As your user who will run the aggregator:
+Now we need to setup the Aggregator (which includes the UI).

I think the part at the end in parentheses is unneeded  ^. 

+As your user who will run the Aggregator:

+### With SQLite ###

-For SQLite:
    $ cd path/to/deltacloud/portal/src/config
    $ cp database.sqlite database.yml

-    NOTE:
-    The .sqlite3 file can be put in any location you desire,
-    just update the paths in database.yml to point to the correct location.
We need to keep this line ^
-    Also, you will need to take the following 2 steps:
-    1. Run rake db:migrate to create the db file and set it to be owned by
-       the user who will run the aggregator.
-    2. Make sure the dir that the above file lives in is also writable by this user.

Line 2 ^ needs to stay, though if you want to move it to the small section below on setting perms, that is fine.
+**Note:** you can edit the "database.yml" file to change the location of the
+*.sqlite3 database files.

    $ rake db:create:all
    $ rake db:migrate
    $ cd <wherever you put it>/db

-    You should see the "development.sqlite" file there.
+You should see the "development.sqlite3" file there. Make sure it is owned by
+the user who will run the Aggregator.
+### With PostgreSQL ###

-For PostgreSQL:
    $ cd path/to/deltacloud/portal/src
    $ cp database.pg database.yml
    $ rake db:create:all
@@ -187,17 +171,18 @@ For PostgreSQL:
    $ rake db:test:prepare

 If all went well here, then the database should be ready for you
-to start up the aggregator.
+to start up the Aggregator.

 You can now run the UI:

-$ ./script/server
+    $ ./script/server

-Which will start up the aggregator UI on port 3000.
+Which will start up the Aggregator UI on port 3000.

don't think we need 'UI' here.  Since it is a web app,  I think the ui is expected.

 Checking out the UI
-Now that you have all of the components running, you
-should be able to point your web browser at localhost:3000
-and see the UI.  Happy hacking!

Not that I am against humor, but I think we should kill 'happy hacking' to keep this more professional.

+Now that you have all of the components running, you should be able to point
+your web browser at <http://localhost:3000> and see the Aggregator page.
+**Happy hacking!**

deltacloud-devel mailing list