On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 10:48 AM, Simone Caronni <negativo17@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 5:35 PM, Richard Shaw <hobbes1069@gmail.com> wrote:
I would like to bump the Epoch of OpenImageIO on EL 7 and downgrade to 1.4.16 to fix this but it will require a rebuild of Blender which I can take care of. 

Any objections?

no objections from me, but why bumping the Epoch to downgrade the package would actually need a Blender rebuild? The "newly-epoched" package would simply fill again the gap.

The soname will change from libOpenImageIO.so.1.5 to libOpenImageIO.so.1.4 but a simple rebuild should take care of it.
