#81: Fedora Insight skin: quick image/css fix -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Reporter: mchua | Owner: duffy Type: task | Status: new Priority: minor | Component: HTML/CSS Work Severity: Quick & Easy | Keywords: -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Can we please apply the quick fix for the skin on https://publictest6.fedoraproject.org/zikula mentioned below (at the start of the last paragraph - fixing the image and/or the css) since I don't believe this will impact our ability to do a better, longer-term solution later?
From Sakis Samaras:
...the images are a bit too slow during first download.
When displaying "block sizes" via "Web Developer " add-on you will find that a lot of not strictly required div tags are generated. This leads to a generic slow down since all DIV tags have to be processed by DOM parser also.
The quick fix may be to fix both the image itself (since the actual image is a fragment of Fedora Logo that can be re-sized or changed to the appropriate https://publictest6.fedoraproject.org/zikula/simonstestimage.jpg ) and/or the css that indicates that the div size is 80X120px and a -10px top-left offset the image is 60X100 +10px padding.