#212: Aqueduct Project Stickers --------------------------------+------------------------------- Reporter: jameslabocki | Owner: graphitefriction Type: logo design request | Status: assigned Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Moderately Involved | Resolution: Keywords: logo stickers | Blocked By: Blocking: | --------------------------------+-------------------------------
Comment (by graphitefriction):
Note: I have not done any editing on the duck's head, spear, or added the helmet yet.
I have uploaded two intermediate drafts for review. The main purpose of these two drafts is to have the Aqueduct team point out any changes they want to the logo's form factor before I continue refining and shading it. Also, I have provided two basic color schemes: one where the duck is in cool colors (blue) and the shield in bright golds; the second features the duck in dark reds and gold armor with the shield in cool, bright grays.
Let me know which color scheme you prefer (if either). Also let me know if there is anything you want changed regarding the shape of the duck, shield, or font.