#212: Aqueduct Project Stickers --------------------------------+------------------------------- Reporter: jameslabocki | Owner: graphitefriction Type: logo design request | Status: assigned Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Moderately Involved | Resolution: Keywords: logo stickers | Blocked By: Blocking: | --------------------------------+-------------------------------
Comment (by graphitefriction):
Second round of sketches
General notes: I can reposition the duck so that he stares straight at the viewer i.e. full frontal like in the 1st round sketch using the soldier. I drew his armor and gear in the style of a roman soldier, I think that gives him a unique style in the superhero pantheon. Interesting fact, his skirt of leather strips is called a pteruges in Greek and translates to feathers. Any of the detailing on the armor and shield can be changed/increased/decreased. I can remove the dagger; I used that for my own perspective orientation. I would just fist his hand on his hip. I could also add a cape.
The first sketch (duck_blank.png) is a large rendering of the hero without text. This is to give you a sense of what he would look like on a flyer or poster. He's too big at this size for a webpage header.
The fullduck.png sketch consists of two layouts using the full hero scaled to a size that's more appropriate to a webpage header. If I vectorized him, I'd remove detail and use bold, crisp shadows and highlights in a crime noir style.
Cut_shieldleft.png is the same as the fullduck.png but I only used the hero's torso so he could be scaled up in the webpage header. I just did a quick and dirty crop here, the 'real' version wouldn't cut his hand off.
Shieldright.png has him holding the shield on his other side. Note: this is an earlier sketch so the duck isn't as refined. I'd be using the cut_shieldleft.png shaping and details if you liked this orientation better.
Mohawk_shieldright.png gives you an idea of what a punkier duck would look like (this is also an earlier sketch, the mohawk would be put on the cut_shieldleft.png version).
Roundshield.png was a quick exploration of an emblem type logo. I could also replace the square shield in the other drawings with a round shield like this (without the head profile in it though).