#140: Contact folks with hackergotchi that don't follow the guidelines; let them know about hackergotchi queue -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- Reporter: duffy | Owner: nobody Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Quick & Easy | Keywords: -------------------------+-------------------------------------------------- THIS TICKET CANNOT BE COMPLETE WITHOUT TICKET 138 BEING COMPLETE.
For this task, we'd like you to look up the emails for each Fedora Planet poster on the 'don't follow the guidelines hackergotchi' list from ticket #138. A good tool to do this is Fedora Community: visit http://admin.fedoraproject.org/community, sign in with your FAS account, and search for the users there to get their email addresses.
Once you have the email addresses for each Fedora Planet user with a hackergotchi that doesn't follow the guidelines, we'd like you to send an email message to all of them letting them know:
* The Fedora Design team noticed that their hackergotchi on Planet Fedora does not really match the other hackergotchi. While they are free to use whatever hackergotchi they like, we thought they might be interested in some design help on their hackergotchi and would like to offer it to them.
* If any of them want to know why their specific hackergotchi was felt to not meet the guidelines, they can post a comment to ticket 138 asking about their hackergotchi - they should post a link to their hackergotchi photo when doing so.
* The Fedora Design team runs a service whereby Fedora contributors may request that a hackergotchi is designed for them.
* If they would like to request that a hackergotchi be created for them, they should file a request at https://fedorahosted.org/design- team/newticket, selecting 'hackergotchi request' as the type at the top of the ticket.
* They should also attach a photo of themselves to the ticket that we can use to make the hackergotchi. Nicu will be writing a blog post on what types of photos work best, so you can refer to that blog post when it's done.
* Let them know that once they have received their hackergotchi, the instructions to start using it on planet are available here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Planet#How_to_join_the_Planet
This task is from the design team meeting on 29 June 2010. (http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-design/2010-06-29/fedora- design.2010-06-29-19.00.html)