#308: Cheat cubes need updating -------------------------+---------------------------- Reporter: ankursinha | Owner: m0000g Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: minor | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Quick & Easy | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | -------------------------+----------------------------
Comment (by ankursinha):
Replying to [comment:5 m0000g]:
Hello Ankur! i'm uploading the file in a pdf format, because i can't see
that alignment issue. ¿Perhaps i should provide you the fonts?
Ah. Yeah. This one doesn't have the issue. :D
It's all good then. Can you please upload both the SVG and the pdf to the wiki, just to make sure others don't run into the issue like I did?
Thanks a bunch, Maria! I'll let you close the ticket once you've uploaded to the wiki etc. :)
Warm regards, Ankur