#212: Aqueduct Project Stickers --------------------------------+------------------------------- Reporter: jameslabocki | Owner: graphitefriction Type: logo design request | Status: assigned Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Moderately Involved | Resolution: Keywords: logo stickers | Blocked By: Blocking: | --------------------------------+-------------------------------
Comment (by graphitefriction):
Per James' and Mo's discussions I've included two helmet+face logo options (facefront and profile).
Things not to worry about; I can fix them digitally:
1. The soldier has small eye syndrome - it's been a while since I drew a human.
2. The letter style is not meant to represent a particular font.
3. Shading is at a minimum since this is an initial concept round and I didn't want to lock down on a certain style.
Things to consider when choosing the coloring options:
1. What is going to be the main use of the logo on collateral materials? For buttons, stickers, business cards and the like I wouldn't suggest the detailed, photorealistic option. However the photorealistic version could work well for posters, presentations, and full-size prints on T-shirt backs.
2. Is the logo going to commonly be grouped with other projects (or umbrella other projects) like Katello and Aeolus? Do you want the aqueduct logo to match/compliment another project's logo style?