#51: please create just a face from the link mentioned in the description ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Reporter: kashyapc@fedoraproject.org | Type: hackergotchi request Status: new | Priority: major Milestone: | Version: Keywords: | ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- I don't blog much these days..But I'd like to just have a face too. :)
I'm the guy in the middle in blue (smiling with blue jerkin around my neck).
Thanks, Kashyap
#51: please create just a face from the link mentioned in the description ---------------------------------------+------------------------------------ Reporter: kashyapc@fedoraproject.org | Owner: mchua Type: hackergotchi request | Status: assigned Priority: major | Milestone: Version: | Resolution: Keywords: | ---------------------------------------+------------------------------------ Changes (by mchua):
* owner: => mchua * status: new => assigned
Is this ok? http://mchua.fedorapeople.org/kashyap.png (Image deliberately created large so you can scale it down without the resolution looking weird.)
#51: please create just a face from the link mentioned in the description ---------------------------------+---------------------------- Reporter: kashyapc@… | Owner: mchua Type: hackergotchi request | Status: closed Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Quick & Easy | Resolution: fixed Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ---------------------------------+---------------------------- Changes (by gnokii):
* status: assigned => closed * resolution: => fixed * component: => Other Artwork * severity: => Quick & Easy