#335: Need Chinese vertical version of Fedora 20 DVD sleeve ------------------------------------------------+-------------------------- Reporter: zsun | Owner: nobody Type: materials for ambassadors request | Status: new Priority: major | Component: Other Severity: Quick & Easy | Artwork Blocked By: | Keywords: | Blocking: ------------------------------------------------+-------------------------- Hi all, We need a vertical version of Fedora 20 64 bit Desktop Live DVD sleeve[1]. Attached is the example of the size from the vendor. The
I just want someone to fit the current one to this size. And since it'll be about one week to print, we need the sleeve before Monday, Sept 8th.
#335: Need Chinese vertical version of Fedora 20 DVD sleeve ----------------------------------------------+---------------------------- Reporter: zsun | Owner: nobody Type: materials for ambassadors request | Status: closed Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Quick & Easy | Resolution: wontfix Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ----------------------------------------------+---------------------------- Changes (by zsun):
* resolution: => wontfix * status: new => closed
Since no one help in time, I'll have to find some guy to help and pay for this.