#40: FWN Podcast Logo --------------------------------+------------------------------------------- Reporter: wonderer | Owner: dottedfish Type: logo design request | Status: assigned Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Moderately Involved | Resolution: Keywords: triaged | --------------------------------+------------------------------------------- Changes (by dottedfish):
* severity: Quick & Easy => Moderately Involved
Hello again,[[BR]] due to the priority level for this ticket let my show you a first quick mockup I made after a little bit of brainstorming.
I'm new to Fedora, in fact I just joined today. So after doing some extensive research on the Fedora fonts, the logo guidelines as well as the origin of the Fedora logo etc. I tried to merge your interests for Fedora oriented versions of typical pod- & videocast icons with the philosophy of the Fedora identiy itself.[[BR]] http://www.redhat.com/magazine/014dec05/features/fedora/ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Logo/UsageGuidelines
mockups[[BR]] [[Image(http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9141544/fedora/Ticket_0040/podcast.png)]] [[Image(http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9141544/fedora/Ticket_0040/videocast.png)%5D%5D%5B%5...]] Yes, there is a podcast (audio) and a videocast (video) version of the logo/banner.
First of all I based all typo on the fonts Comfortaa and Cantarell. The character is being developed from the Fedora logo font, regular text is emphasized by caps, bolding and different sizing.[[BR]] There is a basic grid underneath although nothing too exciting. However, I did follow the spacing guidelines as mentioned in the usage guidelines.
I tried to keep Fedoras clean design approach and base my creation on that. The Fedora colors outlined above have been used, being white, dark blue and blue.
The emphasis on the Fedora logo type as well as the intoduction of the buzz words pod- & videocast will hopefully let the viewer make a direct connection with the icon.[[BR]] I used the Fedora logo shape as the foundation as this rounded shape is supposed to represent "Voice". I figured that this would connect nicely to the meaning of the logo itself, thus giving the viewer an immersive impression that the pod- & videocast is about Fedora content. I then used a rather typical approach for the loudspeaker and the camera. To connect to the "RSS" or "casting" theme I used iconized radio waves. These waves have been alligned to the outline of the shape to round out the icon.
Overall I avoided gradients to stay compatible with the contrast and color regulations as mentioned in the usage guidelines. The logo/banner is still scalable. It can be decreased in size for about 50% although I'd recommend not less than 70% for better readability. If it has to be much bigger in size I'd probably introduce some texturing.
If you feel that you need something drastically different and that my approach does not convey your message well I would not mind to create another, completely different, version with gloss and gradient if needed and if possible. In fact I'd like to play with it a bit more myself but I want to make sure that it's actually filling your request first and that in a timely manner. I was surprised that this ticket is open since 2009.[[BR]] Other than that I'd be tempted to re-work and finalize these versions as SVGs after some input within the next days and weeks, depending on your as well as the teams overall feedback and the urgency for these buttons.