#243: Please review ask.fedoraprojet.org for easy usability and appearance improvements ------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: nobody Type: usability | Status: new assessment | Component: Interaction Design / Usability Priority: major | Keywords: Severity: Moderately | Blocking: Involved | Blocked By: | ------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- I've gotten several friendly complaints noting that the condensed font used for the http://ask.fedoraproject.org/ site makes it hard to read.
Can you address this, and, really, any other usability problems you might note?
#243: Please review ask.fedoraprojet.org for easy usability and appearance improvements -----------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: nobody Type: usability | Status: closed assessment | Component: Interaction Design / Usability Priority: major | Resolution: duplicate Severity: Moderately | Blocked By: Involved | Keywords: | Blocking: | -----------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Changes (by ryanlerch):
* status: new => closed * resolution: => duplicate
Hi Matt!
Marking as duplicate.
of ticket#199
cheers, ryanlerch
#243: Please review ask.fedoraprojet.org for easy usability and appearance improvements -----------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: nobody Type: usability | Status: closed assessment | Component: Interaction Design / Usability Priority: major | Resolution: duplicate Severity: Moderately | Blocked By: Involved | Keywords: | Blocking: | -----------------------------+---------------------------------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
While I do want to have a nice logo, this is more about usability. The font (which I've got several comments on) may fit better in the other, but I would like an emphasis on readability and not just appearance. (I think the current one looks very nice and very modern, but I understand the feedback.)
But I'd also like analysis of other ways in which we can make the site a better experience. Rahul has had success in engaging Askbot upstream in making improvements, so even if they're not immediate easy fixes, I'd like to ''know'' what we should do better for UX. If you think that aspect is best addressed in the other ticket, no problem, but I want to make sure it's covered.
#243: Please review ask.fedoraprojet.org for easy usability and appearance improvements -----------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: nobody Type: usability | Status: closed assessment | Component: Interaction Design / Usability Priority: major | Resolution: duplicate Severity: Moderately | Blocked By: Involved | Keywords: | Blocking: | -----------------------------+---------------------------------------------
Comment (by ryanlerch):
Fair enough.
I have updated the title of #199 to be more generic (Interface and Usability refresh for ask.fedoraproject.org)
Would just like to keep this effort all in the one ticket.
cheers, ryanlerch