#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------------+--------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: nobody Type: other artwork request | Status: new Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Moderately Involved | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------------+--------------------------- See #306 (and #324) but to promote Fedora Cloud, Fedora Server, and Fedora Workstation individually. The general fedora-infinity-f logo ad is live at http://meta.unix.stackexchange.com/a/3332/2511 but it'd be nice to have versions for the new Fedora.next world. And, we'd submit those not just to Unix&Linux but to specific sites for each one -- Fedora Workstation to Stack Overflow, Fedora Server to Server Fault, and I guess Cloud to both of them.
From #306,
Requirements are:
* The image that you create must be 220 x 250 pixels * Must be GIF or PNG * No animated GIFs * Absolute limit on file size of 150 KB
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ----------------------------------+---------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: nobody Type: other artwork request | Status: new Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Moderately Involved | Resolution: Keywords: triaged | Blocked By: Blocking: | ----------------------------------+---------------------------- Changes (by ryanlerch):
* keywords: => triaged
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ----------------------------------+---------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: ryanlerch Type: other artwork request | Status: new Priority: major | Component: Other Artwork Severity: Moderately Involved | Resolution: Keywords: triaged | Blocked By: Blocking: | ----------------------------------+---------------------------- Changes (by ryanlerch):
* owner: nobody => ryanlerch
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: ryanlerch Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by ryanlerch):
So are we thinking something simple here? like the flavor logo, and the text?
or something a little more creative? THose logos are pretty neat and clean, so the logos might just do the trick. I recently did this up for a post on the magazine, maybe something similar to this in the correct form factor might work?
cheers, ryanlerch
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: ryanlerch Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
I'm good with just the logos + text. But we could actually do both separately, one set plain _and_ one set with that plus a slogan, and see what gets better results. Can we fit the slogans from the individual get.fpo pages or are those too-much-words?
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: ryanlerch Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
(And if so, how many words is right?)
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: ryanlerch Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by ryanlerch):
i'll whip up a set of the options :)
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: nobody Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Changes (by ryanlerch):
* owner: ryanlerch => nobody
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: bronwynmowens Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Changes (by duffy):
* owner: nobody => bronwynmowens
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: bronwynmowens Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by duffy):
Here are the slogans:
Workstation "This is the Linux workstation you've been waiting for."
Server "The latest technology. A stable foundation. Together, for your applications and services."
Cloud "Lean. Powerful. Everycloud ready."
We use the font OpenSans for the slogans - http://www.opensans.com/
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: bronwynmowens Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by bronwynmowens):
I uploaded all of the attachments. Some of them I managed to put on a zip file but others I could not. I also submitted the SVG version and a PNG version so you could see the original design if anything showed up a little funky. Thanks!
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Changes (by duffy):
* owner: bronwynmowens => pgpattison
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by duffy):
Bronwyn did a good job here but it looks like the exported files don't include the textures and have some issues. Palmer is going to take this ticket and use the SVGs to clean up the exported output. Make sure the slogans are in the PNGs and that the background textures have the correct aspect ratio and are full opacity.
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by pgpattison):
Fixed background opacity and distortion issues. Adjusted sizes of logos to be consistent across all three ads. Changed slogan font color to match logos, enlarged slogan font to improve readability. Centered logos and slogans horizontally, made space between logos and slogans uniform, then centered logos+slogans vertically as a group.
I'm a bit worried about the readability of the type against the background on the Workstation ad. Suggestions for improvement are welcome.
Also, is it just me, or does it look like there are lines between the geometric shapes in the background of the PNG version of the Workstation ad? Those aren't in the SVG, not sure how they got introduced or how to correct it. Again, suggestions welcome.
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
These will be presented on the Stack Exchange network, but without context. Do you think we should get the word "Fedora" in there? I guess it's kind of interesting to try and see what happens without!
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by pgpattison):
I was wondering if we needed to add the Fedora logo. I'll throw another set of updates in the oven.
Meanwhile, I've uploaded versions with a slight drop shadow to improve readability. Let me know what you think.
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
I like the drop shadow. However, I'm not necessarily the best judge of tastefulness of drop shadows. :) Other designers, what do you think?
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by pgpattison):
Uploaded SVG and PNG versions of all three ads (identified as "v4" in the filenames) with the Fedora logotype.
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
Hmmmm; I don't like it in the middle bottom there. Too much competition between the edition logo, the slogan, and "fedora".
How about just the Fedora infinity logo in the bottom right corner? Or wordmark, with or without logo, but small in the bottom right?
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by pgpattison):
Uploaded new SVG and PNG files, identified as "v5-logotype" and "v5-infinity" as appropriate,
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
Nice. The logotype version looks great. I like the infinity ones too, but I kind of feel like the f one would look better with the f the same distance from the bottom and right edge. Also I feel like an annoying demanding customer suggesting that. :) What do you think?
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by pgpattison):
"Annoying demanding customer..." They make another kind somewhere? ;-)
I've uploaded tweaked versions of the ads with the Fedora "infinity" mark positioned. Filenames are *-v5a-infinity.png
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
Perfect! Anyone have a preference for which ones I should use? I like both the logo and the word versions, turns out. I guess I'm slightly leaning towards the logo version.
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by ryanlerch):
Can i check which font you are using for these?
The type on the Logos is usually [https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Montserrat Montserrat] and on the getfedora.org website, the secondary font we used there is [https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Open+Sans Open Sans]
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by pgpattison):
Logotype is unchanged from the originals. Body copy is Open Sans, per duffy's instructions.
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by ryanlerch):
I am pretty sure the font for the logotype is wrong -- you may need to install Monterrat to get it working.
I can't tell for sure on the cloud one, but the workstation one and the server one are def using the wrong font.
I'll attach an SVG of the single colour versions of the Logos here where the fonts have been converted to paths, so you wont have to install the font.
THe SVG also has the main version of the logo with the fedora logotype above the flavor name, which might be worth trying out too instead of having the fedora Logo in the bottom right
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: mattdm | Blocking: ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Changes (by duffy):
* blockedby: => mattdm
Hi, this ticket came up during the design team fortnightly ticket review meeting. We noticed a couple of issues with the base design (and Palmer, they were there before you started modifying) - so we came up with this suggestion for a different direction.
The issues we saw:
- Workstation's background is too exciting!! (Palmer noticed this too) - These advertisements are going to be on a non-Fedora site, so the logomark without the logotype of 'fedora' may not read as well.
The suggestion has the following features:
- blue background to stand out against stack exchange's white bg - a version of the editions' logos that includes the fedora logotype - much more toned down usage of the edition-specific colors
Leaving this open for the reporter's feedback, attaching export and source.
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: mattdm | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by duffy):
Er that last one was the source... sigh
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: mattdm | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by duffy):
Hey mattdm, any feedback on the latest design?
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: mattdm | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
Ooh, sorry I missed this somehow. They look good to me!
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: new Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: mattdm | Blocking: ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by duffy):
Cool so here is the lot of them:
https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/347/fedora- workstation-banner.png https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/347/fedora-cloud- banner.png https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/347/fedora-server- banner.png
Going to close this out. Please feel free to reopen if anything comes up!
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: closed Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: fixed | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: mattdm | Blocking: ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Changes (by duffy):
* resolution: => fixed * status: new => closed
#347: Fedora Cloud, Server, and Worksation Stack Exchange community promotion ads ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: pgpattison Type: Digital Artwork | Status: closed Priority: medium | Severity: Moderately Involved Resolution: fixed | Keywords: triaged Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Changes (by duffy):
* blockedby: mattdm =>