
After I met with Suchakra and Sarup in FUDCon Pune and discuss about Ask Fedora redesign, I think I want to share my idea, a bit late to share but maybe can help.
Here the mockup https://jurankdankkal.fedorapeople.org/askfedora/ask-fedora-redesign.jpg

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 12:28 AM, Kalpani Anuradha <anuradha.12@cse.mrt.ac.lk> wrote:

I have currently coded 6 pages according to my mockups which you can find here:​http://askfedoratest-anuradhaw.rhcloud.com. And these are not the final ones because still there are some small things to be fixed in those pages.

And for some time I met with some issues on overriding templates and styles in AskBot?. And it is only a few days ago I got those issues resolved through help from the IRC. And currently I am working on the integration. I hope to get the integration done as soon as possible and move on to coding of other pages as well.

After the hackfest in FudCon, Pune on AskFedora UX/UI and functionality overhaul my mentors Suchakra and Sarup have collected some feedback and they are preparing a detailed report on the feedback received. Once I get the report we will discuss more on what changes are need to be done.

Feedback on the pages I have currently coded are welcome and I will be looking into improving these once I complete the integration of some of the most important pages.

Thank you

On 14 July 2015 at 21:37, Máirín Duffy <duffy@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Hi Anuradha!

On 06/02/2015 12:21 PM, Kalpani Anuradha wrote:
I'm working on the project AskFedora UX/UI and functionality overhaul
under GSoC this summer. I have created some mockups for the pages in
AskFedota which can be viewed at my blog -

The ticket for this work just came up in the design team meeting:

I wanted to check in with you to see how things are going and if you need any more feedback or help - how is the project going?


Anuradha Welivita
Undergraduate | Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka

design-team mailing list

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