Hi everyone!
We had a Matrix meeting yesterday instead of a video meeting. Zodbot wasn't working at the time so these are copy/paste from matrix minutes. Here's a quick summary / table of contents:
1. Some news about using Penpot.app as a design tool (being used in upcoming Fedora main website redesign) - message Mo with your email address if you'd like an invite to the Fedora Design team on that app
2. The Fedora 35 Release party is coming up and the design team is invited, please come :) https://hopin.com/events/fedora-linux-35-release-party/registration
3. Ticket triage:
- New logo for discussion.fpo - Fedora Logo fil efor authenticatorpro - Accessible Fedora color palette available in pagure tickets now - We have a bunch of new logo t-shirt tickets open that would be great for new contributors to look at if anybody is looking for smtg to work on - The F36 artwork kickoff blog post is live, thanks Madeline! Madeline and Mo will work on getting it on the Fedora Community Blog as well, read to learn how you can participate in the creation of F36's wallpaper artwork: https://www.madelinepeck.com/blog/2021/10/25/fedora-36
Full log below
Máirín Duffy So I just got off a call that you were on too riecatnor about planning for the new Fedora website I think something I wanted to talk about today in light of that is this penpot tool I dont remember if I've brought it up here before It's an open source UI design tool, it's written by the people who make Taiga if you know about that I created a team on there and if you'd like an invite DM me your email address (I also posted about it on the design-team list a while back)
riecatnor@riecatnor:fedora.im I have yet to use penpot but it looks rad
Máirín Duffy We are going to be using it to manage the wireframes & mockups for the new fedora website
riecatnor@riecatnor:fedora.im oh yes, I would like to join that
Máirín Duffy cool let me get you added now ok i just sent you an invite
riecatnor@riecatnor:fedora.im cool thank you!
Máirín Duffy one thing that is really cool about it is that it lets you do click-thru mockups The other thing that's cool is web devs can grab the color codes, font names, font sizes, etc etc from the mockups directly for their css and one more is that you can attach comments directly to spots on the design to ask contextual questions etc so im hoping it'll work out, i've been using it for the ChRIS project mockups and recently some anaconda design work and so far it's worked well I think that is all I had to today. Basically - new website design coming, penpot is the tool i'm using, if you wanna get involved let me know! Anyone else have anything? we could take a look at issues if not
riecatnor@riecatnor:fedora.im just want to point out that the release party is coming up and the design team is invited :) https://hopin.com/events/fedora-linux-35-release-party/registration Fedora Linux 35 Release Party Get tickets to Fedora Linux 35 Release Party, taking place 12/11/2021 to 13/11/2021. Hopin is your source for engaging events and experiences. and Máirín Duffy will be talking on Friday I should have the schedule out by end of week
Máirín Duffy changed the topic to "Sign up for the F35 Release Party!!! https://hopin.com/events/fedora-linux-35-release-party/registration".
riecatnor@riecatnor:fedora.im that's it from me :)
Máirín Duffy changed the topic to ":tada: Sign up for the F35 Release Party!!! https://hopin.com/events/fedora-linux-35-release-party/registration".
Máirín Duffy hold on gotta fix my emoji in the topic lol
Máirín Duffy changed the topic to "🎉🎉 Sign up for the F35 Release Party!!! 🎉🎉https://hopin.com/events/fedora-linux-35-release-party/registration".
Máirín Duffy Very Important ok tickets then https://pagure.io/design/issue/797 Issue #797: Updated Logo for discussions.fpo - design - Pagure.io design Clone Source Code GIT Documentation GIT Learn more about these different git repos. Other Git URLs Source Docs Issues 101 Pull Requests 1 Roadmap Stats #797 Updated Logo for discussions.fpo Ah this one is ongoing.... so @mattdm updated the logo with these on discussion.fedoraproject.org one oddity is - go here (or any topic) https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedocal-reminder-meeting-council-meet...
when you scroll down I have the logo shift to just be the artwork with the Fedora logo inside it because you lose the "Fedora Discussion" logotype due to how discourse works
riecatnor@riecatnor:fedora.im cool!
Máirín Duffy I think theres a little pixel shift in there I gotta fix but do you think that works?
riecatnor@riecatnor:fedora.im yes, I like the shape/composition.. the color in the background, I can't tell if thats supposed to be the same or different as the foreground stroke?
Máirín Duffy on minimize it is a gradient but when its full on its the same color as the stroke
riecatnor@riecatnor:fedora.im gotcha, I think that is working well. I see we put the two bubbles in for the favicon (?) for the navigation bar that is a bit harder to discern the design
Máirín Duffy yeh the favicon has not been optimized at all, it literally is the raw artwork exported at 32x32 or whatever. I need to pixel snap it and make sure its clean but there is a deliberateness in the general design there - matrix has a single speech bubble so i wanted discourse to have the two, and also, the inverse color scheme so across browser tabs you could tell the difference i believe in testing both in the same browser window the distinguishment is good so i just have to get on optimizing and pixel snapping that favicon so it reads more clearly (and tweaking the shapes to that end if necessary)
riecatnor@riecatnor:fedora.im all sounds great to me :)
Máirín Duffy yay ok next ticket
https://pagure.io/design/issue/796 Issue #796: Adding Fedoraproject logo to AuthenticatorPro - design - Pagure.io this one seems pretty straightforward i can probably knock it out right after this so i will
https://pagure.io/design/issue/795 Issue #795: Accessible color palette - design - Pagure.io this one i should close. basically just copying work that was done elsewhere so we have it in the tickets for now. eventually id like this in an updated brand guidelines document
https://pagure.io/design/issue/790 Issue #790: New Logo T-Shirts for the Cool Stuff Store - design - Pagure.io this is the tshirts one... riecatnor did this come up at the latest mindshare meeting the flip side timezone one
riecatnor@riecatnor:fedora.im yes it did everyone was fine with the prioritization it seemed
Máirín Duffy ok perfect
riecatnor@riecatnor:fedora.im no other major thoughts, I added the note about the ambassadors polos (which will be a straightforward design)
Máirín Duffy ok great! 🙂 so probably next step then is to focus on the basic tee and get some candidate designs for that this would probably be a good beginner contributor project to take on ok cool lets see what else
https://pagure.io/design/issue/789 Issue #789: Fedora F36 Artwork - design - Pagure.io Madeline Peck: did the blog post on this go out?
Madeline Peck it did! I can grab the link (had to duck away from my computer for a hot sec)
Máirín Duffy oh sweet, no sweat
https://www.madelinepeck.com/blog/2021/10/25/fedora-36 Fedora 36 Wallpaper! — Madeline Peck - Madeline Peck
Madeline Peck Oh thank you!
Máirín Duffy I'll try to get this in the queue for the community blog. Did you have any ideas for a graphic to go wtih it? the community blog usually requires a graphic when my recent f model post was syndicated it took about a weekt o get it on the schedule, is that a reasonable timeline to throw an image together for it?
riecatnor@riecatnor:fedora.im here is the info about the images for the comm blog https://pagure.io/communityblog-images
you don't have to use the repo, I usually just add it to my article and call it a day
Madeline Peck I thought maybe I could do an illustration of different people baking up new ideas together in a kitchen
riecatnor@riecatnor:fedora.im but there are specs there
Madeline Peck Unless you have any different ideas? I could make a graphic based off of Deepika too I thought maybe I could do an illustration of different people baking up new ideas together in a kitchen
Máirín Duffy If you think you have time / want to. Definitely doesn't have to be original or fancy though! Theres a lot of templates in the community blog dir you can use too
Madeline Peck Okay!
Máirín Duffy If you could find an open license photo of Deepika that might be a good bet. Or even grab something off pixabay with water in it... just make sure to add a credit line to the graphic eg https://pixabay.com/photos/drop-of-water-drop-impact-ripples-578897/
Madeline Peck okay! sounds like a plan :)
Máirín Duffy oh pixabay doesnt require attribution - i'd do it anyway tho sweet - Madeline Peck ping me when you've got the graphic and i'll do the "paper" work to get it in the community blog 🙂
Madeline Peck will do!
Máirín Duffy@duffy:fedora.im ok cool at we are at 2 so let's leave it there 🙂 I will send out these minutes in... some form lol to the design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org mailing list. Thank you everyone 🙂 🙂
riecatnor@riecatnor:matrix.org Thanks, Mizmo!