Hi Máirín.

I am an end user and sometimes we end-users have some ideas.  I would like to present ideas for Fedora22 and for Gnome.

The greeter screen needs to show the "message of the day (/etc/modt)". We often need to inform a user that perhaps the system is unavailable for certain hours, or to advise of some other advent (new software, a birthday, etc)

For Gnome
On my system which has 3 users, the window with all has 10 radio buttons.  Program names are not distributed linearly. Searching for one is frustrating

The recommendation is to use the space to the left of the radio button to indicate the name of the first icon corresponding to that radio button.  Two characters would suffice. Thus, a program beginning with "Ma" would appear with the radio button  ke (o). 

This one change would add convenience to using Gnome and would help reduce the number of right hand for-finger mouse clicks, that, after a day of work, leaves the user with painful tendons. 
An image is attached below my signature


Mr. Leslie Satenstein
Montréal Québec, Canada

PS. The Gui "All"  layout which was present with Fedora18 was preferred 3 to 1  versus the existing Fedora20 layout.  Here is a link to that Fedora 18 layout. It is from my Dropbox Public folder https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/42050559/F18%20pictures/Screenshot%20from%202013-04-05%2012%3A48%3A47.png

A representative image for Fedora20 follows. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/42050559/F20%20Pictures/Screenshot%20from%202014-10-08%2014%3A51%3A24.png